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Everything posted by S7nny

  1. I'll post something in advance next time and then we can see how many others from here will be running it. I'll most likely be in Henley on my next one though!
  2. What do you currently do? Why Personal training? It's becoming quite a saturated market at the moment, andunless you're freelance you don't really make much money from it after the gyms take their cut!
  3. He'll runner you say? I may look into that at some point - just got to get through these DOMS.
  4. Just ordered myself an Invidia Gemini from Adrian. Getting a little bit excited!
  5. The log carry was still there!! Yeah, my other half got involved and did zero training but still overcame each obstacle. She only failed the monkey bars but still had a go. I'll be running it again next year in Henley and then hitting the Spartan races. I've messaged the regional organiser Kat, but not heard anything back for a couple of weeks. I tried!!
  6. This was my first event and it was incredible. All of the obstacles were well thought up and I'd recommend it to anyone. What a challenge! I'm a PT by trade and I train myself 5-6 times per week yet I've still woken up feeling like I've been hit by a train. Can't wait to do it all again!
  7. Only edible when drunk, that point where you think "yeah, mixed meat kebab on salad with garlic sauce and extra chillis" is a good idea, is about 20 mins after you should've stopped drinking I eat them sober!! hahaha, guess that makes me an animal. Again, I like a sober KFC too.
  8. Do they taste better when drunk?!!!
  9. I think you'll find that the PS3 was a bigger success than the 360 in terms of sales. I've always bought both consoles to make a fair comparison and Sony win every single time in my eyes. The consoles are a lot smoother and better running and I prefer PSN over live (yes, it had a few issues but it was free for the entirety of the PS3) and I also find that the playerbase on PSN is a lot more mature than the Live players. I'll stick with the PS4, and most likely the PS5 when it comes out.
  10. Give it a few months and maybe I'll be up for a group buy!
  11. They do international shipping if not.
  12. On an unrelated note, does anyone know where I can get this removed? http://i809.photobucket.com/albums/zz19/Dann673/Gearknob.jpg
  13. You really don't like much, do you?
  14. It's all been via facebook at the moment- I'll try to get something a bit more solid for you!
  15. This car is also running Stardast over-fenders that literally everybody was hating on. Just putting that out there...
  16. $1400 for the replica - that includes shipping.
  17. http://stardast.jp/product/350z.html
  18. I thought my car was empty but it turns out there was a bottle of water and a can of hairspray (not mine, I promise) rolling around under there. Thanks for the help! Sometimes you need an outside perspective and the obvious being pointed out. (:
  19. Do I need to disconnect the battery for that?!
  20. Under driver and/or passenger seat?
  21. So it keeps flashing and the reset isn't working. What's next?!
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