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Everything posted by Frostick1992

  1. An oil filter of good make I ment haha Sorry
  2. Hi guys I'm on the hunt for inner and outer tie rods, both sides, Also a list of other bits 5l of the best oil for a 350z. A good make of oil filter 6x spark plugs Thanks for any help given
  3. Thanks guys!! I can't wait to start spending some money on her!! I'm sure I'm in for a hell of a ride!
  4. Hey guys and girls! Just a quick introduction to the 350z uk community Recently bought myself my dream car, 2004 350z At 22, I haven't driven a hell of a lot of cars, and all I can say is Woow! What an incredable motor, The looks, performance and the sound!! If I'm honest I think I have caught the zed bug Thanks for reading
  5. Hey guys and girls! Just a quick introduction to the 350z uk community Recently bought myself my dream car, 2004 350z At 22, I haven't driven a hell of a lot of cars, and all I can say is Woow! What an incredable motor, The looks, performance and the sound!! If I'm honest I think I have caught the zed bug Thanks for reading
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