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  1. 100k on a 2007, paper gaskets now replaced with steel ones,plus a new timing chain, tensioner, guides and water pump. Hopefully enough to keep it running a while longer.
  2. Just fitted new gaskets on my sons 350HR today. Started first time and the rattle at low revs has gone. Oil pressure is back to normal. Obviously the low rev rattle was due to the low pressure to the variable valve timing. As you can see, the gaskets were well blown out.
  3. If you are having to pay and not through insurance. I can recommend an excellent place near Epworth North Lincolnshire. They do a brilliant job and their prices are lower than you will get elsewhere. I have had a few cars done and my last workplace started using them for their work too. www.juddpaintsolutions.co.uk Andy
  4. Thanks for the advice guys, hopefully all will go smoothly once I have all the parts (and they don't go missing in transit again)... Good luck, take your time with the silicone and fitting the front cover to make sure the lower crank seal seats correctly. Many thanks for the advice, it is much appreciated, I agree more haste, less speed...
  5. Thanks for the advice guys, hopefully all will go smoothly once I have all the parts (and they don't go missing in transit again)...
  6. Hi, doing ours in a couple of weeks. Can I ask did you take the front panel, bumper and crash bar off to do the work, or just take the radiator and fans out? Thanks Andy
  7. At least there was no argument, they have put another in the post today with a new tracking number. Can't complain about customer service, some UK companies would have said I would have to wait for an investigation to be carried out or claim of the courier no doubt... The original bag was ripped open at the top then poorly taped up. I wonder if it was customs that did this.
  8. A bit of bad luck may delay the repair. The Jiffy bag with timing chain arrived from the USA had a rip in the top. It contained the packing slip, but no chain.... Hopefully it will get resolved, but means another 2 week wait. Andy
  9. It has cost me around £400 for parts and the usual I have seen is around 10 hours garage labour form other posts. So I would have thought around £750 labour and £500 parts at a garage depending on where you go. That is including £250 for the timing chain and water pump parts while I am doing the gaskets.
  10. We ended up going for something else. We picked up a 2007 HR for just over £6k but has low oil pressure. I have another post going on this having asked for advice. It doesn't look too bad a job to do, so parts are sourced and we will tackle it in mid September probably. Fingers crossed. Thanks Andy
  11. Yeah, only paid £6k so have some cash to play with. We put aside £1k for any work needing doing, it is coming in at around £400.00 for all parts and that is also doing the timing chain and water pump as a precaution. It will be good experience for my son as well as I stand over him barking instructions while drinking coffee...
  12. I only went there once with my sons Vectra to get a cam belt changed. They over tightened it and it whined on its return. We took it back and they said it was normal and would bed in. HAHAHA. He went to work at RAF Lossiemouth in the north of Scotland and back and it was exactly the same. They were reluctant to take it back in but we wouldn't back down and they put it right. Only time I have ever asked them to do anything.
  13. Many thanks, sounds the way to go. Andy
  14. The pictures are great thanks. It looks a very clear view from the front. Was the area in front of the engine just clear because the radiator was removed or had they removed other items such as the crash panel and front panel etc? Just wondering how much I can get away with to minimise the strip down for the timing chain removal. Many thanks Andy Mitz and his team at Cougar Store did the work, but I'm pretty sure they removed crash panel and everything to get in there. OK thanks, I guess I will just keep removing bits until I get in...
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