Hi. I have a 2005 Roadster. Apologies for the length of this but I want to make sure I explain it properly.
Ever since I have had it, sometimes when dropping the roof it stops when two thirds of the way through. Dealing with this has generally been easy enough - close the roof a bit and then try to reopen it and it generally works. That doesn't bother me and I only mention it as background.
The problem is that recently there has been an intermittent issue with the release / recatch at the bottom of the rear window (i.e. the very last thing that happens when it closes). Sometimes the roof won't open, and sometimes it won't recatch when it closes - in either case the "roof open" warning light will stay on, and I will try the roof here and there for a couple of days, until eventually it will work, at which point I will close it. I assumed the mechanism required greasing or something like that and figured I would sort it when I get a new roof fitted (i.e. as soon as I can find someone to fit it who has space in his diary that coincides with mine).
However, a few times when I have been doing this, I have been pressing the switch to open and it has been closing, or vice versa. I am not mistaken about which bit of the switch I am pressing - and the roof is going the wrong way! This only happens when I pause in the opening or closing due to it sticking (as per the above two paragraphs). It's a bit alarming, but again a bit of shifting it back and forth seems to fix it.
TODAY'S PROBLEM is a much bigger one. On opening the roof (which of itself was ok today) the windows went down as usual, but now the passenger side window won't come back up. I have tried using the switch on the driver's door and also the switch on the passenger door. I have tried it with the roof open and I have tried it with the roof closed, but to no avail. As I haven't previously had any problems with that window whatsoever, and as it opened perfectly fine (and automatically) when I opened the roof this morning, I am wondering if this is another symptom of my car getting confused about where its roof is / should be.
Needless to say, having a window stuck permanently open is a PITA. Does anyone have any ideas on any kind of reset procedure, or what might be wrong more generally please?