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Everything posted by matt3579

  1. So pipe don't really come in yellow which is annoying cus I'd like some however heat shrink does come in yellow and it's also alot cheaper 🤣 I present to you my new / old rad hoses
  2. eventually I will but they arnt cheap and this cost me about £1
  3. So I got a little bored as you do and decided to put heat shink on my bonnet holder to make it a little more appealing What do you think? Honestly bit of a faf but looks tidy
  4. royal steering they have a website and will custom make it to your wants 110% recommend them
  5. And finally no more chrome on the outside with the carbon dipped handles to match everything else 👌 what do you think?
  6. Oooo she a little bit sexy now we're getting somewhere 😍😍
  7. I've never used high temp paint per say I always use a high build primer which to an extent is high temp but never had an issue and I've done the same on brake calipers and they held up well for 2 years till I sold the car but I assume a good few more years too
  8. Looking very sexual after a bit of clear coat just need to wait for them all to dry now and can fit back to the car tomorrow. Very happy to finally be rid of the chrome door handles 😅
  9. Next steps just wait for this to dry and then I can hydro dip it all in carbon 😍
  10. Few more bits getting painted now 👌👌
  11. Before and after makes a fair bit of diffrence very please with how all this has come out Let me know your thoughts
  12. Engine cover looking nice gonna do the rest of it in carbon but this will do for now 👌👌
  13. So somewhat of a busy day painting and hydrodipping Got my a pillars done in carbon some more carbon in the engine bay and the yellow marbel splash is for the battery and brake fluid covers. Will post some more photos when they are finished and fitted then it's the strut brace and engine cover to get done next 👌👌
  14. Hey would it be possible to get one of the 370z engraved ones please
  15. Sticking with the yellow cus I love it had to add this sticker cus I had one on my old 350z too
  16. New steering wheel from royal steering looks mint and feels great so much better and nice not having leather peel off in my hand when I'm driving 😅
  17. Mishimoto short intakes photo I need to clean the engine bay up a bit, got some plans to make it a little bit more sexy too but will post that as I do it 👌
  18. matt3579

    Wheel bolts

    balls i figured as much when i saw the wheel bolts, who naff idea at nissan was it to use diffrent bolts to every other wheel on the planet lol
  19. Got some photos today of the quarter window lovras nice little addition tho personally I think the 350 ones have a better look cus they fill the whole space better
  20. As I cant upload a video this is the best I can some photos of them in action, really happy with them 👌👌😍
  21. matt3579

    Wheel bolts

    So I brought so new wheel bolts but I'm not 100% if I should use them my inner mechanic says yes it's fine but they are some what different to the stock bolts. Stock ones being a sunk in style and 21mm my new ones are 17mm and a standard style wheel bolt What do you think? They should be okay the beval at the base is the same but doesn't sink in over the stud like the stock bolts do
  22. Also fitted audi style side repeaters that strobe the z logo 👌 I can't upload a video of it but they look awesome
  23. will take some more photos of things ive done already when i have a moment but nice and clean, headlights need a polish and a bit rattly / vibration from the exhaust which i imagine is either some rusty heat shield or some polybushs needed im very happy with my purchase thus far
  24. so i brought a 370 a couple weeks back and i used to have a build thread for my old 350 so figured i would do the same with the new one. so I brought it pretty standard well serviced no mods bar some end pipes and black wheels so a nice blank canvas for me to have a way with. at the 2 week mark so far ive gone for mishimoto intake tubes hks air filters 20 and 25mm wheel spaces carbon window louvers, wiper delete and thats about it soo far
  25. As above I need a rear tow cover ideally yellow but will take any colour if someone has one for sale?
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