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Everything posted by colesl4w

  1. Ive been told you should always disconnect that battery for short while so that there's absolutely no risk of the airbag going off when connecting / disconnecting the airbag.
  2. Hi all, I have just treated my Z to a fairly substantial amount of work, and am excited about picking it up tonight. I supplied all materials and have been given the total for labour. I'm just interested to see how much you would expect to pay for the following list, so I can get an idea of how fairly this guy is charging. The list is: - Airbag light inspection and repair (diagnostics, identifying the problem by taking out the spiral cable, identifying corrosion in a connector, cleaning it, resetting the light) - Diff oil replace - Engine oil replace - Oil filter replace - Coolant replace - Fitting Goodridge brake lines - Brake fluid replace - Spark plug replace - Gearbox oil replace - Air filter replace - sidelight bulb replace How much would you expect to have paid for all that labour? Thanks!
  3. Flip, I wouldn't lend someone my Z, let alone a lambo. You've a very nice friend!
  4. Do you have a link to an example of the bars you got from eBay? Wouldn't mind getting some!
  5. colesl4w

    Datsun 240z

    Did those guys say that the owner is a University student who also owns a track ready 370z?! The states is just a different world... Absolutely beautiful sound off it.
  6. This seems to show a clock setting:
  7. Something about giant text in an eBay advert is always indicative of ropey contents. Bonus points if you use the word "L@@K" in the title.
  8. That video is terrifying. A worthwhile watch though.
  9. Lower back, do bent over rows at about 25 degrees or 3 of clock (if you imagine your body is the hour hand and your legs the minutes, your body will be pointing to 3 or 4 on the clock. You probably know that but I just wanted to explain thoroughly) Thanks for more input! Could I ask which method of bent over row you use? It seems you can choose between overhand grip, underhand grip, wide grip, narrow grip, raising it to your stomach, raising it to your rib cage, bent over parallel to the ground, bent over 45 degrees, and any combination of all those factors. No matter what I do, I can engage my lats well, and I get a nice feeling in my lower back, but I can never ever feel anything in my upper back. I try retracting my scapula at the top, but I find it either really easy or really difficult lol. Any pointers would be great. The only time I have ever felt an upper back pump is one time when I was doing RDLs.
  10. That's great news! Thanks for the update.
  11. So I've just discovered this is a thing... here are a few examples: aaand from below: And another example, from a Merc: What do you think of that? Just tacky as hell IMO!
  12. Ahem... http://www.bbc.co.uk...-essex-39350942
  13. So to answer your question if you don't wanna watch the whole vid... There's a guy in the passenger seat holding a camera with his arms outstretched. Thank you sir!
  14. Just started playing Borderlands 2, so good!
  15. Hahah in my defence its a vertical movement .
  16. Thanks guys for the detailed advice. Core is something I have really skipped out on so far. Hopefully if I bring that up to speed the squats should get a bit smoother. They're the one exercise I have really struggled with.
  17. Could anyone give me some pointers on my squat? I find it a real struggle to increase compared to everything else weirdly. Does form look ok there? My lower back always feels tight immediately after.
  18. Do any of you do parkrun? Such a great event for those into short distances. Really nice community feel.
  19. Also wondering if she'd go for a bumper tuck.
  20. Currently wondering how the Helmholtz resonating chambers on the Ark would deal with farts if stuck where the sun dont shine.
  21. She was going to modify her exhaust but then saw your posts on here! Now she's pi**ed she has to save for an ark grip .
  22. Flip that sounds awful. At least you know what it is now. Gall bladder is probably the best result though, rather than some sort of spinal damage which can't be fixed. What are the string meds you mentioned which replaced other meds you were on?
  23. Gf had a 2014 mini. Hateful thing that constantly had serious problems. Incredibly uncomfortable too. Her new civic is a dream in comparison.
  24. How did they manage to capture the passenger footage? He doesn't have a passenger, there are cameras in the passenger side, but they are static whereas the footage shakes about as if the camera is hand held?? Suspicious.
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