Lower back, do bent over rows at about 25 degrees or 3 of clock (if you imagine your body is the hour hand and your legs the minutes, your body will be pointing to 3 or 4 on the clock. You probably know that but I just wanted to explain thoroughly)
Thanks for more input! Could I ask which method of bent over row you use? It seems you can choose between overhand grip, underhand grip, wide grip, narrow grip, raising it to your stomach, raising it to your rib cage, bent over parallel to the ground, bent over 45 degrees, and any combination of all those factors. No matter what I do, I can engage my lats well, and I get a nice feeling in my lower back, but I can never ever feel anything in my upper back. I try retracting my scapula at the top, but I find it either really easy or really difficult lol. Any pointers would be great. The only time I have ever felt an upper back pump is one time when I was doing RDLs.