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Everything posted by GeorgeW

  1. I used meguires scratch x 2.0 to fix my carbon fibre bonnet , bought it in a terrible state of scratches and sun strained white patches, and this cleared it all up (except on really deep scratch)
  2. Anyone fancy making an offer, need it gone!
  3. A quick clean this evening and tried poor boys black hole for the first time, Good god it's beautiful. Easy to use, smells nice, looks nice, feels nice!
  4. I am ready to be chucked on the list if I can be please
  5. Sorry somehow missed the video. Yes I need this!
  6. I wouldn't bother, I gave a link to something going on another forum, and got a right telling off, since someone was trying to get a bargain. I won't be doing it again!
  7. What does the kit look like, is it set words or do you do what you want
  8. water + power steering + coolant bottles are now black, and the strut brace is chilli red. only thing left to do is collect my plenum spacer on my birthday next week and spray the upper plenum black and the bay is done!
  9. If anyone is looking to upgrade or sell up, I would really like to get my hands on a kit to sort the car out before the wedding in May (obviously will be my wedding car!) So basically a machine polisher, plus pads etc, but not essential) cheers
  10. 99% of the time bad comments will be jealously, especially since the one who called mine a 'shed' as on her way to catch the bus!
  11. I only just found out today whilst cleaning the interior that in the drivers footwell they have imprinted the three 'square dots' into the plastic. Nice detail!
  12. GeorgeW


    looks great, I quite like them
  13. Pfft, fake plates and carry on, this is just a bit of here say 😈 Don't do that, that's bad
  14. Oh great colour, bet it's striking in the fresh/metal
  15. Well we have cancelled the triangle off the April 3rd Llangollen meet now, it's just not worth it. Instead going for a 'where the road takes us' approach on the day
  16. The RS is the only car ever to try and race me on public roads - a dual carriage. It was the weekend after I bought it so was excited, I kept on his tail the whole way, but wouldn't have any more to pass him, so in a straight line we were equally matched!
  17. oh finally, a good zed replacement family car!
  18. No police there, but they are everywhere when you have a taillight out!!
  19. We are also having a day meet around mid Wales 3rd April, meeting in Llangollen
  20. engine bay photos would be worth adding to the sale for something like this!
  21. I kept getting that with my Hyundai Coupe F2 Evolution - its was blue as well...actually shouldn't kids think Ferrari-red?
  22. Thanks mate, I put them on myself, and yes both sides match. Not much more to do now, I have a plenum to fit, and want bonnet dampers but that is about it!
  23. Scale it down and print it in a decent material, would be such a novelty!
  24. Welcome mate, I do love a white car
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