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Everything posted by GeorgeW

  1. GeorgeW

    hood wrapping

    I went to a local place to get priced up on having the hood and roof wrapping in gloss black, and the result was just shy of £300, which considering everyone seems to be doing the roof themselves, seemed a bit harsh, so I was wondering if the price was in the hood wrapping, due to the lines etc, To the chaps who have done this, how hard is it actually to do? I have wrapped a hood before, but that was a small car (corsa D in CF!, sorry!) cheers
  2. could someone be a lamb and photoshop my hood (and eyelids), to gloss black please (I am tempted to do the grill and bumper add on at the bottom black aswell, but wondering if that's a little too much? Thanks
  3. one thing which I must have passed over when I bought mine was checking the front windows go up and down ok, as its a common fault - one which mine has! its a simple thing, but a pain to fix if you have too
  4. The stanced scene is huge, I guess they would disagree Its not a route I would follow either, but, some look awesome and I fully appreciate what they have done and their passion for their scene and the different looks achieved, from mild to wild. Imho, its better than looking at another 350 with rotas and a chargespeed rear. As per my first post, seems the article was just a good excuse to have a pop at the stanced scene, there are worse modifications around Imho Oh yes I do appreciate that stance is huge at the moment, it's just not my cup of tea. The same as I like the look of vinyls and neons, which a lot of people hate. At the end of the day it makes the cars unique if people do what THEY like, and that makes for a better car scene ðŸ‘
  5. Hey none of my mods are on the list! And actually, I couldn't agree more with the choices, I've never understood strong camber with stretched rubbers, really not sure how it's meant to look good
  6. I keep coming back to this, really tempted. But I keep trying to stop myself modding the engine bay aswell as the rest of the car! Good luck with the sale
  7. Hell of a car for whoever buys it, 'glwts' (worked out what it meant) And great shout on the S15, if I wasn't aiming for a twin supra, that was my next stop!
  8. I was going to buy a cf bonnet going second hand on here but it sold before I could!
  9. good choice on colour, now wait for nice weather, give it a dam good clean and wax..and clay... and watch 'er shine
  10. Hi Oliver, the body kit and spoiler were from 'Storm Motorsport' very much in the UK
  11. cheers for the review buster, I am happy to go with tarmacs, the next problem is finding someone local who will fit them! tried the local garages and no one will touch it. I gathered it was a straight forward job? the only place is Demon tweeks and they want £300 for fitting!
  12. I don't mind new or used, but I will drop you an email now, thanks In the mean time, if any cheap used ones come up, please post
  13. I am after a set of lowering springs all round 20mm or 25mm, I don't think my wheels will let me go further than that (and if I was going to, I would probably go coilovers) I don't mind the make cheers
  14. cheers, yes I love the red, too be honest though I wanted yellow, but couldn't afford it, and thought I would ruin it by modding. I would like more black on my car, I am tempted with vinyls but not sure how to do them without it looking tacky
  15. I bought this head unit, it does what it says I guess - its just the preference of volume knob or touch buttons (which this has), I bought it because you can change the background! but its nice and being able to turn the screen off with it still on is a nice feature, for night driving
  16. Most of the cars on the game are older than that? It's got all the skylines, supra, S15, Evo, 200sx, s2000 etc. It's also closely related to the first need for speed underground - it even has eddies r34! And on that game, the 350z was (I think) 2nd car from the top of the list, so seems odd to miss it out. I actually thought it was better than most the need for speeds. The story was a bit lame but I use it for drifting, and making cars, which it does well
  17. Mike, those photos are at Lake Vyrnwy. Its not too far from us so we go up there for walks quite often. Those photos were actually taken the day before my partner was induced for our first baby - hence the calming drive! So here is the car this morning showing eyelids - ignore the dirt! I assure you the car IS red, it looks pink in these!
  18. nice to see another redzed! ours looked quite similar to start with, really like the look of those wheels on it though
  19. oh there you go, it works that way
  20. cheers guys, well I had a bit of an issue with the photos, I cant find a simple way to down the file size, they are quite large files, unless you can do it with photobucket?
  21. Fare play for having the balls(?) to have a go at robbing something like this! I do hope it gets found in one piece
  22. I bought it from eBay, a chap near Shrewsbury who imports American classics, selling through business for a mate, all checked out with paperwork, mileage etc so I went for it, a good price I thought. So heres a couple of recent photos
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