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Everything posted by GeorgeW

  1. GeorgeW

    hood wrapping

    cheers mate, I will check that before they do it!
  2. Thanks for that, I have had a look. Seems to be the same sort of thing as I was looking at. I rang Autobrite for some advice, they suggest a micro fibre brush for the chrome, which looks about right. I am going to place the order this afternoon in case anyone wants to leap in and warn me off them for any reason
  3. I am about to do my first order from 'Autobrite', for purple rain, deep gloss shampoo, drying towell etc. but I would like some sort of brush for the wheels. Again, I am nervous about the chrome - are wheel brushes ok for this? I saw back in the post that the toothbrush idea is bad, so is this the same?
  4. GeorgeW

    Rear lights

    yey mines not the only dirt zed at the moment but yes the tint look neat, I agree that having it a bit lighter looks a bit more mature and less 'ricey'
  5. GeorgeW

    hood wrapping

    thanks for that stroy mate, yes I think your right its worth getting the pros to do it. The place in question actually wrapped the whole of our Sprinter van at work, and did a very nice job as well, that is why I wanted to give them a go. I think when the time comes, I will go for them. Your right, not worth the hassle doing DIY, its a very obvious part of the car and getting it wrong would ruin the look
  6. I thought the new need for speed was a great game, and word on the street is they are going to keep adding new content, kits etc so it will only get better. The graphics are top notch aswell, and the drifting is great
  7. I tried this a few weeks ago, worked well on a small chip, but seemed to have 'fallen out' through the winter, so needs it doing in dry weather
  8. I agree with you there actually, I would put the R34GTR in that catagory aswell, I think the looks are perfect. and if its in bayside blue, then no point changing that either too be honest! same as its been said above, the GTT is just a bit lame.. Though I'm all for rocket bunny and Liberty walk stuff, on the right cars
  9. not keen on that zed, and too be honest, wouldnt buy it for 5k, the quality of the kit fitment is a bit embarrassing, I am a fan of lambo doors though
  10. thanks chaps, I heard my car for the first time whilst not in it at the weekend, as my dad took it off for its oil and filter change, its quite sad I was standing on the drive smiling at my own car, must have looked nuts, but on review, the exhaust sounds lovely, and my dad isnt exactly an aggressive driver!
  11. Thats an interesting one Ricey, is that the same as putting old pennies in vinegar? I don't think I have the guts to do it too my rims though!
  12. we whipped out the playstation 2 after taking of 'the old days' and we still had the copy of 'need for speed underground' - the original game. remembering that the 350z was one of the best cars on the game, i quickly got making mine. glad to say its worth nearly 4 rep stars
  13. Thats flood water for you, I actually cleaned them last week, that photo was yesterday - I use the car every day and in this weather its not going to stay shiny for long! I did consider getting them sprayed, but I really like the chrome with the red paintwork, so that would be a last resort. I do have chrome cleaner, but that only works if the wheel is clean, my main concern is giving them a good clean in the first place.
  14. love the yellow, probably the best colour to suit blue
  15. mine are 20's, and i think they look right for the car, but those in the first look 21/22
  16. I think thats not a bad idea Dan, it would be nice to clean the whole thing. I did try and get a quote for a refurbish but no one will touch the chrome. Saying that the chrome itself isn't that bad, it just needs a dam good clean, which is why I am wondering if the quality cleaners people are suggesting on the other thread might be too strong for chrome
  17. no they are chrome, they are just dirty in the photo, when they are clean they come up like a mirror...in the places where I can clean my hand! The places in question are the hard to reach parts where a going over with a metal cleaner would be tough, I was hoping there was a way to do it with a liquid cleaner of some sort and a brush?
  18. Because I didn't realize how active his thread still was, and it was getting confusing, i didn't realize your answer was for me etc, so its better having them separate. But now you're here, I dont know if I need something stronger than just shampoo, as I have tried a bit of alloy cleaner and the black gunk doesn't come off
  19. Hi cleaners. Basically I am scared with what I can use on my wheels. They are 20'' SSW part chrome part painted. On past cars I would just used a general alloy spray from the supermarket, but this needs a bit more care! So questions: 1. are normal alloy cleaners ok for chrome. 2. if yes, which would you recommend for mine? 3. same question, but how to applicate the cleaner, microfibre/ brush etc? here are the offending - and dirty wheels in question
  20. its horrible to read these threads, but its such a relief to see that you are ok, it is your pride and joy, but its a machine, which will hopefully put right. fingers crossed for you
  21. I like it, just not the yellow headlights. not you personally, I dont like them on any car - even modded classics where they belong. but apart from that, its smart
  22. Here is a photo of the back bumper tuck, with a dirty exhaust - didn't have time to clean. You can also see that the emblem is now off, removed by the car cleaner, but in his defence it was wobbly anyway. But I like the way it looks with no badge, so want to fill the holes with something.
  23. So I had my car hand washed today as I didn't have time to do it myself, and they have knocked the emblem off the rear. I don't particularly want it on, so what would the best way to fill the two little holes be? Without taking it for a whole respray..
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