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Posts posted by TomBorehamUK

  1. 7 hours ago, coldel said:

    Never realised the price of the 135i had dropped so much, its crazy. Starting prices on AT are around the 7k mark which is great value.

    If only they didn't look like a shoe :dry:

    • Haha 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Ekona said:

    Guys, stop with the insults and petty bickering. It’s pathetic, and is the reason these threads get locked. 


    You all all have good points, so use them to make your argument rather than sniping at each other please. 



    Absolutely no need to be condescending to people that don't share your views.

  3. On 01/08/2018 at 19:51, reeceybeaney said:

    Without going into too much of a story, has anyone driven or previously owned a 335i? 


    Want to compare it to my 350z as a potential next car! Loving the Z of course, but always fancied something with a bit of boost and class:) 


    Random PFA


    Yes, i currently have a Z and an N55 335i, lovely car with effortless power delivery and the DCT box isn't bad, oodles of torque after a simple remap.


    That said, it doesn't dance to the same tune as the Z, most notably due to the lack of an LSD.

  4. 18 hours ago, Irn Bru said:

    Think it cost me over £700.00 for my missus and me last time, I'd be budgeting around that mark and more if your coming up from down south. It's not a cheap weekend and we cover lots of miles everyday, so you need to be ready for that expense and hard-core driving, but with lots of photo stops en route. Its an amazing roadtrip, I've lost count how many times I've done over the years and still never bored of it. 

    Yes, that sounds about right, my figure was per person :)

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, Kingsley said:

    This is on my tick list of things to do in the Zed lol. 

    How much roughly was it all in last time you went? 

    Excluding my big expense to repair the Zed.....


    It was around £850 for fuel, hotels & food, this was driving from london and and back so i'd guess closer to £500 if you're up north anyway.

    • Like 2
  6. 12 hours ago, Ekona said:

    Sorry Tom, didn't mean to insinuate that you'd been anything other than cordial. Having been there though, with neighbours who felt like they owned a particular parking spot, it can make your life hell very quickly. It's okay now, but just wait until that car gets moved right to the very edge so you cannot reverse in. It's coming, I promise you. Best to get in there quickly, make them feel like utter muppets for staking their claim when you're a nice couple, and then get on with your life and enjoy it.


    I know it's easier said than done, especially if you're not a naturally outgoing person (my missus definitely is, so it makes my life easier), but it's so worth doing in the long run. If you didn't want to do a proper chat, even just take the wine over and say that you're sorry if they felt like you were encroaching, you really didn't mean to it's just that you were always taught by your Dad to reverse park wherever possible (ham it up) and here's a bottle of wine for no hard feelings, and if they ever need anything like a parcel taking in or someone to keep an eye on the house when they go on holiday they've only got to ask. All that guff.


    No you're right, I'm surprised they're not just blocking it with their car in the first place anyhow.


    I will try my best to bite my tongue, suck it up and go and have the chat with them :) Must resist my instict to call a spade a spade though.


    If that fails...I'm keeping the chair :lol:

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Ekona said:

    And this is why I never want a shared driveway :lol:


    TBH I'd do yourself a favour in the long run and go and have a civil chat with them. Take a bottle of wine, start normal small talk, bring it up in casual conversation but laugh it off. Trust me, you do not want this to get any worse this early on, it's not worth. Bite your tongue, be nicey-nicey, then go home and call the guy a c*nt under your breath.


    My guess is they're getting really territorial over you driving into "their" land. Especially in a sports car, my guess is if you were 65 in a Micra they wouldn't give a toss.


    I figured I'd let it be, and hope they get bored of having to get out of their car and move the chair to park themselves.

    I've been friendly from the start, the female of the species there took issue with my Mrs parking outside my House as soon as we moved in. She said it's their 'turning spot' :lol:


    I think you're quite right, the type of car probably rubs em up the wrong way too.








    53 minutes ago, ATTAK Z said:

    Nick the chair ;)

    I've contemplated it! Or instead i might set up a table with it and have a nice outdoor lunch :)

  8. Well turns out for our first home, we have a neighbour that's an Ahole! Or maybe I'm the Ahole and they're just a little petty...


    Anyway, i imagine they're taking issue with me turning in the shared driveway and reversing onto my drive as at the point at which i just go up to they've placed a chair :lol:


    It's an odd layout as where their fiesta is parked anyway is next to the other neighbours garage.


    Rising above it, but also fighting the urge to retaliate with pettiness :lol:



  9. Had my HR since i was 21, original insurance was £1100 with 2 years and now is £800 at 23. with 4 years NCB


    It's all a bit of a lottery really with your location having a big influence and each insurer having different sets of criteria to assess 'risk'


    I've always insured with admiral group up until this year when they tripled my renewal and refused to budge, I'm now with GoSkippy.


    A lot of people suggest specialist insurers for the best deals but unfortunately for us young drivers they tend to not quote for people under 25.


    Good luck.

  10. 7 hours ago, Flashback said:

    Truly sad and such a great talent.  He'll be sorely missed.  I think both he and Cornell were awesome.


    As I played Rusty Cage and Sound Garden for a whole week it seems the right time to bring out all my Park albums and play them in celebration of what amazing tracks he's left us with. 

    I'm with you, dug out Hybrid theory for the gym this morning.


    Such a shame someone feels things are so bad that this is the only way out. Hugely talented and a great loss.



  11. 23 minutes ago, AliveBoy said:

    Do you keep thanking it for things? :lol:


    It's brilliant fun, I've found the flash briefing really good whilst I get dressed etc.

    I find I'm very polite to Alexa, but her indoors isn't so kind (I think she's jealous of her :lol: )


    It is good, i think I'm going to whip my credit card out and buy some of the household gadgets it can control


    • Like 1
  12. On 11/07/2017 at 14:56, AliveBoy said:

    Got the Amazon Echo thing, I've wanted it for ages, with £70 off I bought the big one instead of the dot. I imagine I'll love it and will end up having the dot's in a couple of rooms.


    Got one of those too and received it yesterday! Having great fun with it today.... I'm at work but my partners at home and she's not happy with the random songs that keep blaring out from me controlling it with spotify :lol:

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