....I guess this is what brought drag racing to 'our' streets...its all very well having a quick car in theory and believing in that..but until you are up against a competitor, you wont really know - worryingly there are many references to the Z not being as quick as folk feel they should be...particularly as a potential buyer, I was drawn in by the 300+bhp figure.
First thing I noticed was the 0-60 fig being not as quick as you would expect, carrying early Porsche Turbo levels of fire power - Only answers I can see are the weight and possibly tallish GT gearing holding it back - particularly the weight - In reality less than 175 bhp / ft lb per imperial (UK) ton (earlier 350) !!...By comparison a Tuscan is over 360 hp / ton - ie a quickly designed back street UK 4 litre six cylinder in a car of similar size and technology has over twice the power to weight ratio! - Which is why it is 4 secs to 60 not six....Weight is the killer, you only have to take a look at this to be convinced that it is all about power to weight: