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Everything posted by Nso93

  1. Blue 350z in Gloucester heading up a slip road towards quedgeley. Also spotted a black 370z heading south bound on the m5 approaching Cheltenham whilst I was north bound. The GTR was also in Gloucester gave me wave whilst sat in traffic along cole avenue Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Out of my budget as well. Hopefully someone on here got them Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Currently at £820 with 90minutes to go Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Spotted them thought it might interest someone, if genuine Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rare-19-Inch-RAYS-LM-GT4-NISMO-Alloys-Wheels-Dunlop-Tyres-Nissan-350Z-200SX-GTR-/381993160409?hash=item58f0910ed9%3Ag%3ALWYAAOSw4A5YvZ8f&_trkparms=pageci%253A82d8c659-067e-11e7-850e-74dbd1805aa9%257Cparentrq%253Abe5f6b6f15a0a5e295e62a0afff9d50d%257Ciid%253A1 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. When you log into your castle Coombe account you should have this page appear If you then select club zone, then scroll down it'll take you to the club pass option along with track time If you get ford fair straight away, go back and you should get the first screen shot Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Welcome Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. 1. Nso93 - paid 2. Buster - booked and paid. 3. KPowell-paid 4. Blocko-paid 5. andy james 6. 350_jer 7. low IQ 8. 14N - paid 9. MattRweb 10. Humpy 11. Short Paul 12. davey_83 13. SHEZZA 14. Stuggerz 15. Huw (Zclub) - paid 16. Farmer42 (Zclub)- paid 17. Luddy (Zclub) - paid 18. simonb_350z - paid 19. AbiiPow - booked/paid 20. Tomb 21. Cloud1440 22. Richie94gts - booked/paid 23. Z370Z 24. Harryjax - paid. 25.zebedy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Welcome Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. 1.Andy James +1 PAID 2 tickets ,1 stand pass,Tracktime 2.Buster +1 PAID 2 tickets,1 stand pass. 3. Keyser +1 Paid 2 tickets 1 stand pass 4. Valy - PAID 5. Evilscorp - PAID 6. teejay + 1 PAID 2 tickets 1 stand pass 7. Andy_Muxlow (PAID 2 Entry and 1 Club stand pass) 8. STYLZ+1 (PAID 2 Entry and 1 Club Stand pass) 9. Paul K + 1 (PAID 2 entry and 1 club stand pass) 10. Rob350 + 1 PAID 2 tickets, 1 show pass, track time (12:40) 11. Roasty + 1 PAID 2 tickets 1 club stand pass 12. Humpy - paid 13. Tomb 14. Chippychip123 +1 PAID 2 tickets 1 stand pass 15. Riichard +1 16. Brummiestormer+1 (2 Entry & 1 Stand Pass) 17. Irn Bru +1 tickets and hotel booked, no stand pass 18. Kbad + 1 (PAID 1 Entry & 1 Club stand pass) 19. Dunks + 1 20. Stuggerz + 1 (PAID - 2 passes plus stand pass) 21. 14N - PAID (Free t-shirt too ). 22. Gizmo + 1 23. Nso93 (paid 1 ticket and 1pass) 24. MattRwebB +1 (2 tickets and 1 pass PAID) 25. jdm2003 +1 26. SHEZZA PAID 1 ticket, 1 stand pass 27. SUPRAWOOKIE +1 - PAID 2 tickets ,1 stand pass 28. OliverB PAID, 1 stand pass 29. nick2016 30. Panman +1 PAID 2 TICKETS + STAND 31. Rshep1 +1 PAID 2 tickets and 1 stand pass 32.Niknik350 33. Queenie +1 PAID 34. MarkSt - PAID 35. Bob94 +1 PAID: 2 tickets and stand pass 36. nismoandy - paid , 1 stand pass 37. glrnet PAID STAND PASS 38. Amyzed +1 39. Bigjimg + 1 tickets and hotel booked, no stand pass 40. Reeceybeaney + 1 2 camping tickets, 1 stand pass 41. Spatt + 1 (waiting for engine to be rebuilt) 42. Modo (Mike Oliver) +1 Paid stand pass Travelling from Leicester on the day. 43. Willow990 (simon wilson) +1, show pass, tracktime (PAID) 44. Mr P + 1, stand pass, track time. Paid 45. Billy-jo +1 46. DrMurderDeath +1, (Chris Jones) 2 tickets & 1 Club Stand pass 47. Apoc124 48. LewisH - PAID 49. RoxZ - Paid 50. GracieB +1 Paid 51. Getshawty 2 tickets & 1 stand pass = PAID 52.Bam350z x2 camping + stand pass 53. Jez @ H-dev - 4 tickets + stand pass 54. JoKeR - PAID 2 tickets + stand pass 55. 350wen +1 & stand pass = Paid 56. davey_83 (PAID 2 tickets + stand pass) 57. Low IQ - 2 tickets + stand pass = PAID 58.Aus10 1x ticket 1x club pass. Paid 59. Stephanie + 1 (2 Tickets, 1 Stand pass PAID) 60. WINKJ 2 tickets + 2 stand passes 61. jk-boi (1x club stand pass) PAID 62. Coops 1958 PAID Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Spotted a black 03 coupe near the big Tesco today around 1pm
  12. Welcome to the forum Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Not had many cars then ? No only the 5 in 6 years Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Think that was gizmo. He's since broken the car. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Bronze 350z coupe turning down the car auctions at around 4pm today on a 53 plate. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Welcome Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Welcome 🙂 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Welcome Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Welcome along Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Litchfields aren't interested in 350's these days. Only 370 and GTR's these days. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. There's a few on there website miltek wise https://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/milltek-sport-porsche-911-996-carrera-carrera-s-c2-c4-98-05-cat-back-exhaust-cup-version-uses-oe-tips.html Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. 1. Nso93 - paid 2. Buster - booked and paid. 3. KPowell 4. Blocko 5. andy james 6. 350_jer 7. low IQ 8. 14N - paid 9. MattRweb 10. Humpy 11. Short Paul 12. davey_83 13. SHEZZA 14. Stuggerz 15. Huw (Zclub) - paid 16. Farmer42 (Zclub)- paid 17. Luddy (Zclub) - paid 18. simonb_350z - paid 19. AbiiPow - booked/paid 20. Tomb 21. Cloud1440
  23. Welcome Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Welcome back Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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