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Everything posted by Nso93

  1. 1st one was a gunmetal coupe by the brewery in Cheltenham passed me going the other way. the 2nd also in Cheltenham was a azure 54 plate coupe that was behind me but turned down towards Tesco and the Volkswagen dealership
  2. Nice looking car mate, glad you got the pictures sorted
  3. Member’s list information required Forum name Car Reg No Colour Museum only Museum, Hotel & evening meal 1 andy james 350z AJ07 ZZZ Silver Paid 2 buster + 1 350z V80BSV BLUE PAID 3. Nso93 370z T9NSO grey museum only
  4. Can’t make this meet mate. But I hope to see you car soon looks good in the pictures
  5. Gtr start button normally around £50 but can be picked up cheaper second hand
  6. Welcome to the forum love the styling of the rx7. Never had the pleasure of owning one
  7. Still no sign of the parts to get the car back on the road yet
  8. Hi does anybody know if the Nissan Juke Nismo Rs steering wheel will fit any 370z? thanks in advance
  9. Nso93

    Front lip spoiler

    I’d recommend the tarmac sunline style one. It was a good fit.
  10. Cheers mate. Hopefully get it back next week. Been along two weeks so far
  11. Took 2 and half to remove all the old parts. Just a long wait for the last couple of peices to turn up. Mine left a rust pile on the floor.
  12. Small issue with the removal of the old brace. The bolts had corroded around the heads and snapped off with any amount of pressure. In the end the rear axle carrier mounts had corroded and also need replacing. The cars been sat at litchfield imports now since last Thursday awaiting the new parts to arrive from Japan.
  13. Wouldn’t recommend the ultra racing. Looks like a brace possibly for the front
  14. As promised a picture of the size difference
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