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About sharkmatt

  • Birthday 13/08/1981


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    Ellesmere Port

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  1. agreed...however you gloss over the small point, that all reported faults are the same - one is unfortunate, twice a coincidence, we spotted a few more than 2 with same fault though, hence voicing concern to get other view points Re low octane usage - why doesnt the knock sensor(s) & ECU handle low compression fuels? That's true but there are approx. 5500 350's left in the UK which means that accounting for write-offs we can safely assume there were over 6000 made. Even if 300 people have written about issues, it's still only a 5% incidence which isn't horrific for a performance car. As I understand it, the ECU won't retard once over 5000 revs so think of it like a cheap tax for people who put 95 Ron in their cars. Nissan were like 'you want to put cheap fuel in it? Fine, but you can't floor it properly'
  2. I've considered the rear wiper delete but not sure I like the idea of a plastic grommet in it's place! I've had a quick go in my mates GT86. It's a nice place to be and it feels light and agile. The power is lower than most of its rivals but it still feels quick when accelerating. The piped in induction noise is pretty sweet too.
  3. Cheers guys! The enjoyment factor is still high at the moment. Just need to get a day off work so I can take it for a proper run somewhere!
  4. It's about 123.9 for V-Power near me and I live 5 miles from a refinery!!!
  5. Why would her salary need to increase? Why would it not? I wouldn't be signing a new contract that gave me (in my eyes) worse terms without a financial increase to make up for it. That's fair enough. I don't think an increase in notice period automatically requires a rise in pay to compensate though. Having said that, I'm with you and I'd be questioning any detrimental change.
  6. Yeah, and It takes less than 2 seconds for something to go horribly wrong. I never said I'd convict the guy, I said he was driving like an idiot. It's my opinion of his driving from watching the video. You have a right to take the opposite opinion and you're welcome to it.
  7. It's the old problem where only people with issues will start threads so it ends up looking like all the boxes are bad. In reality, for every person who asks about gearbox issues there are countless more who say nothing because their gearbox is fine. You're hardly likely to start a thread along the lines of 'Gearbox running beautifully today'!
  8. Why would her salary need to increase?
  9. The 350 I've just bought has a resonated Cobra exhaust. I don't find it drones at all at motorway speeds. The only time you get any drone is accelerating in 5th/6th gear but once you drop to cruising it goes quiet.
  10. Due to there being a change in contract, there's not a lot she can do other than accept the new contract, try to negotiate different terms or refuse to sign the new contract. She could question the new notice terms and determine whether this is normal for her new role or whether it's something they've only applied to her. There should be an employee manual that states the companies policy regarding notice periods. If her notice differs from that it would be reasonable for her to ask why it differs. If they can't provide a valid reason then I don't think they could reasonably enforce it as it could be classed as discriminatory. This is all from my basic understanding of contracts and HR. Please take professional advice before making any further move. Acas (http://www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=1461) are an independent advice service for HR matters and would be the best people to contact. I hope you can sort it out.
  11. The guy drove like an idiot then posted the video on a public site. He has only himself to blame. Anyone who uses a phone whilst driving deserves everything they get, that's far more dangerous that the excessive speed imho. That's not to say I never drive like an idiot but I'd never post similar to a public site, you're just asking for trouble. The sentence does seem excessively harsh though, I'll give him that.
  12. I'd also read about road noise when researching before buying a 350. When I first went for a test drive, I was pleasantly surprised how quiet it was. I'd say it's no louder than any other car I've owned and considerably quieter than my TF, although that was a drop top.
  13. That's fine, It should idle around 600-700 when warm anyway.
  14. Cheers guys! Let the fun commence!
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