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Everything posted by bezza1121
Didn't even realise there were any responses to this post. It's been a while since I've been on here I must admit. Yeah can spend almost £100 some weeks on fuel but generally I drive quite relaxed so I get around 32 - 35mpg on average. It has had its first couple of niggles recently a good few weeks back, first one being clutch starting to slip only noticeable if pushing over 4,000 rpm doing the occasional overtake gear selection perfect though so not end of the world, yeah plan on getting a few more years out of it yet been my favourite car too own so far. So on the downside started it one morning recently and the idle was quite bad, so immediately turned it off, then turned it on again just too see what would happen , anyways it was fine for weeks after then one day after work I pulled over not long after setting off to activate the bluetooth on my phone to the radio, went to pull off and it started going lumpy almost like a misfire. Pulled her over turned her off then on again and all was absolutely fine.. Then days later out of nowhere it felt really sluggish but not rough running and an eml came on, so plugged laptop into it using Nissan Datascan and it threw up 2 codes for the O2 Sensors after the cats on both bank 1 and 2 reporting sensors could not get to required voltage... so have reset the EML light to see if the codes re-occuur and it seems to be running ok at the moment. Will be doing some further diagnostics next weekend by checking the resistance on the sensors, coils etc and looking further at info displayed by data scan. I'm wondering if this is something someone else has come across. Levels checked regularly and all fluids kept changed on time. I always do oil earlier than needed, no leaks at all.
General question really. Had my zed for a few years now. Apart from the annoying exhaust drone at higher speeds it's a great car infact the best I've owned and has given me very little problems and get good economy for what it is and is good fun to drive. Recently I Replaced the banana arms as last mot failed on them , it's first failure which isn't bad for a 13 year old car. Since owning it I have frequently made sure everything is routinely up to scratch, changed all fluids usually before they need doing and the great thing is am burning no oil between changes and all fluids are good with no leaks, gears etc work all fine since owning it from 60k have never ever driven it hard from cold and always used good fluids. Have been conscious recently regarding the mileage though. Is there anything common which tends to go at around 150,000 miles to watch out for? I plan on keeping the car still a good few years and rely on it everyday for work, I average almost 100 miles most days rarely seeing traffic. Everything underneath looks fine, got under-seal done recently too before any rust kicks in. Maybe I'm being paranoid but just want to make sure I wont be missing any tricks down the road, anyone have similar experiences?
350z Headunit Replacement Guide (with links to parts)
bezza1121 replied to cs2000's topic in 350Z Guides
Will be installing a new aftermarket Double DIN headunit (Probably a Sony), Thinking of getting the Nissan 350z Bose amplified adaptors with the steering wheel control adaptors. Is this a case of plug and play? My only concern is the mention of the 4v output to the Bose Amplifier. Does this mean the volume will be lower than the factory standard stereo without the modification? if this is not the case then am not too fussed, kinda confused as to what lead sets I should buy. Thanks in advance. -
110k now using Mobil 1 fully synthetic 5w30 on a vq35 changing a bit before the required intervals does not burn oil between changes. I reckon it would be pretty quiet if it had a different exhaust. A look inside the cap reveals no sludge or horrid residue. It's ashame the clutch master and slave cylinder are not engineered the same though!!
It will do it a favour !! Mine was filthy when changed!
Thankyou for the advice It's gonna be a challenge this one!!! always end finding other bits too ,just discovered some of the bolts on rear suspension components appear quite rusted and surface rust on rear suspension mounts plus two specs on wheel arch (might need a professional for rust) guessing it's technically a banger now as its a 2005. so need to address this also looks like I'll be busy on top of this been sorting some minor bits over the past day, new pads , bulbs general bits for MOT. In the process of moving house also , only downfall is will have no garage least weather is on the up.
Thanks had my suspicions on it, today all gears were smooth as silk , which confirms unlikely the gearbox and clutch bites fine. Think will go with your reccomendation so next few weeks will sort it hopefully . Did the bleeding go ok with the new slave cylinder fitted? will be bleeding using manual method 2 persons as shown in nissan service manual hopefully should go ok, process of elimination I guess.
Hi All, Recently have been having issues in that gear changes and clutch have felt inconsistent beyond normal, it's been good on the whole but feel something is not right. i.e the pedal feel varies and have recently found that particularly going from 1st gear into 2nd gear it does not like it very much i.e. feels like I haven't fully disengaged 1st sometimes so have to double de-clutch to get second and slowly go in doesn't crunch or grind though. In conjunction with this there is a slight notchiness .Infact recently I have been skipping 2nd gear as have to change really slow as fear of grinding the gears but when it behaves it goes in nicely if that makes sense. Then some days I get in and it is absolutely butter smooth through all the gears. I am genuinely at a loss with what is up with the silly thing. Today It did something new.... After work was at fast cold idle just started up and not touching anything a kinda thud type noise came from the transmission and the revs dropped, was defiantly a gear noise like a mild selecting from a low to two gears higher type noise, clutch felt something not right about it then later on in my drive gear changes were spot on, it's driving me up the wall. Tried to bleed the clutch fluid last week also and had no luck opened the bleed nipple followed all procedures and it would not pump through no leaks or anything (suspect the bleed nipple is blocked, did not want to disconnect hose incase it causes an additional issue and need car atm). I'm aware that there may be an issue with either the master and slave cylinder and / or clutch but I'm genuinely at a loss with this. I'm confident I can fix it but it's knowing exactly what is wrong with it. Think will have to take it to specialist on here to have a look at it if get no luck. Does this issue sound familiar?
Tinking of doing the same myself, does anyone know wheres best to get the wiring harnesses to work with the steering wheel controls and bose? thinking of getting a sony touchscreen unit. My oem one will no longer read cds
Makes me angry there are so many idiots on the road. e.g. those who overtake on the motorway impatiently tailgate and constantly put their brakes on (we all make small mistakes once in awhile but some people are just a liability). Then there are the ones who put their brakes on around every bend every time another car comes their way. Then there are the ones who drive over the middle line around bends!! see this so much it's shocking!. Then there are the commuters who rush but don't get any further.. I don't understand their logic... hmm be a few minutes late... or have an accident be there even later or worst cause someones death... if they are so worried about being late maybe its time for a new job or leave earlier. I agree with the above, I personally pull back and see everything option not just sit at the back of the lorry and anticipate whether that lorry may need to slow or stop especially where there are traffic lights on a dual carriageway. Was going down the motorway the other day after Xmas shopping in Bluewater and some absolute waste of space in a teal astra coupe (older shape) with a dustbin on the back and tinted windows decided to drive right up my backside whilst I was in the outside lane whilst I was overtaking keeping my distance from the car in front. They then decided to try an undertake and cut in just as I was passing the car in the middle lane (heard the sound of a tin can straining). slammed on their brakes they couldn't figure the logic that I actually didn't slam my brakes on to let them undertake to overtake the car I was already overtaking ... Looked in my mirror then they dangerously overtook that same said car, the idiot driver then undertook me and then cut right in front and was trying to push the car in front of me of the road whilst legitimately overtaking vehicles on a busy stretch. They were then back in the middle lane clearly giving it all and then violently swung across 3 lanes to come off a junction, these are the drivers who need to be punished. On a positive note it can be quite nice when you see a fellow car enthauasist and they are not acting like idiots and just enjoy the drive and have that mutual controlled overtake on a clear motorway whilst keeping at an acceptable pace / distance. The best one I get though is you must find it hard to drive normally with that thing.. I give two answers, sometimes it's nice to enjoy the drive on the correct road, as I am a tightass I don't really go that fast just nice to enjoy cruising and do manage more than 30mpg at times!!. I must say though I get a lot more grief on the roads in the runaround than I do in the Zed.
know this exact feeling!! I'd love to say the zed has the most temperamental clutch known to man.... Unfortunately Its the only one thing I dislike about the Zed. Cold weather usually and when it feels like it = nice crisp smooth clutch. Warmer weather or damp can be almost jittery and just randomly it seems particularly if sitting for a couple of days It's stumped me for a while but it always goes into gears ok and as you say only in slow traffic. Feels smooth otherwise. Thinking if redoing clutch fluid will help no leaks from anywhere though. :s and colour looks okish slightly darker than fresh but not dark brown. By nature of the zed the idle in my opinion should be a tad higher in general this would help.
Make sure you have a good hammer, chisel, and a good release penetrating oil is my advice to help prise off if seized. I used the wd40 release penetrating oil worked a treat and plenty of elbow grease!!!! Be careful when removing the hub try and keep the bottom bolt in good condition as it is a pain to completely remove / replace. I went brought set of new bolts for peace of mind.
Change it you'll notice the difference. mine got bad around corners particularly and noticed my steering was effected too my steering started acting as if someone was lightly grabbing the steering wheel (I stopped using the car at that point). now I have changed the wheel bearing I have realised all along since owning the car it must have had some noise. Upon removing the bearing it was seized half a rev smooth half a rev bo wonder the car felt sluggish. long story short it's a dream to drive again!!! And actually no drone
Thanks guys, For peace of mind will have to place an order soon , Adrian quite chuffed at the price, alot better than the £330 quoted. Will have to double check this weekend.
So have noticed my car has been making a quiet rumbling sound when turning right from the front passenger side. Seems to have got a lot louder recently and my partner has described a sensation of something slapping her foot under the floor whenever I go around a sharpish corner. it seems to be louder the sharper the corner, and now starting to do it when I am driving even around a very slight right. I also noticed the other day when going onto a large roundabout approximately 20 mph it was louder .Comes from the front passengers side when turning right. The tyres look ok, the brakes are worn evenly so leads me to believe the bearing is on it's way out I suspect its where I have walloped a pothole can vaguely recall hitting one a few months back. Long story short bearing is £330 from Nissan ex vat. , Seen aftermarket ones in the region of £150. Now I'm guessing most bearings will be remanufactured from original using the same or very similar materials. I'm now trying to decide what to go for as of course it's a safety critical part. Has anybody got any experience of using aftermarket wheel bearings with the Zed? and is it worth it? I don't usually go for aftermarket :s
Best one I had was driving through Canterbury with my windows down.. pulls up to a twin lane roundabout, car on right new shape vw polo with 4 young lads in it looked 17/18 years old roughly looking at my car as waiting for gap. They were saying amongst themselves what car is that .... one said think its a zonda .. the other one said nooo its a bentley and they all nodded and said yeah think so ... I drove off in histerics. A small kid and his father went up to me in tescos also and said nice car , is that the gtr? People love the zed I must admit.. Even my Mum loves the zed
I have the same feeling. Drive my Peugeot daily.. Love the Zed more than ever now when I drive it !!!! have also figured fuel money saved goes straight into the Zed future maintenance budget .
Had mine over a year now best car I've owned you'll not be disappointed... be warned if you buy a runabout for commuting etc you will wanna drive the zed more and more!
I've sorted the essentials . New fluids and filters all round, new timingbbelt and pulleys, did'nt bother with glow plugs though thek looked ok and reisistance seemed ok. Had a slight issue at the easiest bit ended up being distracted whilst putting the aux belt tensioner back on..... i crossthreaded the hole in the engine block luckily it was a through hole managed to sort it . Awesome think I'm gonna do some searching for brembos. Managed to tidy up the mirror covers. Think this morning going to attempt a good polish and fix engine bay rust.
I guess thats the real issue when looking for a sports car. I liked the look of the red ones before looking for my current and couldn't find any, then the other Zed's I looked at at the time looked like they had either been tampered with, didn't look in best cosmetic condition or just wasn't sure about. I saw the gunmetal grey / silver one i have now and liked it Came with full history etc and has been a great car since owning it (now had for one year just about). The blue ones are nice though I must admit. I end up going through the Margate area so often probably seen my zed around a few times, was using as a daily runaround also until more recently. Bet it was fun yesterday to have a convertible though
Hi Mikey, thanks for the link, really appreciate it. Ordering myself a set of these now they look awesome, look of high quality too.
Nice work , btw where did you get the customised bolts with the coloured surrounds from?
Small world ey. I forget how good they look in blue I cant say I've seen many around Kent though, have you had yours for long?
Drove Right past a deep blue convertible Zed on the Way to Canterbury yesterday at about 5 pm near the temporary traffic lights after littlebourne. and saw an orange one the other morning near ash canterbury at about 8.
http://s1208.photobucket.com/user/bezza1121/library/?sort=3&page=1 - This link should work. Original photos of the car it's a bit of a heap at the moment... but thats good . Current Bits; -New Throttle Cable -New bonnet -Interior valeted and cleaned (images to follow in next album) So next bits are; Next 2 weeks - New timing belt kit, all new filters, oils, new wing to be replaced, front wheels removed and primed to trial different styles (not sure on colour to go for yet), mirror covers and calipers coming off for respray girlfriend doing the callipers for me trained her well . I am still so temped to go candy vinyl on the mirror covers as an experiment although this does not fit with the steampunk theme. Next Month - Outlines of car to be printed , girlfriend is making a start on custom decals she's very good at arts and crafts!!!! and trailing overlays, will hopefully get some vinyls ordered up too and upload more progress pics, she will hopefully be addressing any upholstery issues and renewing old leather if possible and will be working on a custom carpet not sure how this will turn out atm :s. Engine bay cleanup, respray and rust treatment got so much free time next month hope weather holds out. Will post high res photos on engine by needs a revamp!!! the chassis is rust free otherwise. June/July - Thinking of custom steampunk style handbrake lever and shift knob and possibly steering wheel change.Hopefully have all paintwork buffed out and prepped. Am definitely going to replace old wiring for new high quality under bonnet wiring and replace hoses, nuts and bolts Anticipating more work until September time and some performance modifications in the near future. Really am thinking of retrofitting 350z brembos and deep dish alloys in the future :S not sure whether overkill though. Then some planned mods on the Zed