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Everything posted by Mikevv

  1. Mikevv

    370Z Nismo

    Carwow works for me. They currently have an offer for a 370z Nismo, brand new made to order - £32,139 with 4,49%. This is due to Nissan offering £5k deposit contributions though so take that in mind!
  2. Looks like a lovely car I've had mine since April and done over 3k miles, so it's a shame she hasn't been used! Might wanna say if you'd swap it back to OEM for a reduced price or split the parts etc - some people might not want mods. Just in general more detail would help, but then there isn't much to say! GLWTS,
  3. Mikevv

    New Nismo mk2

    I prefer the look of the MK2, but having never driven a MK1, I can't compare. The seats are great, comfy but sporty. Having driven 1200 miles in a week I came back the same as when I left, no pains or anything. The only thing I'd change is the spoiler, the MK1 is better in that regard Enjoy the car, but check the forum for the shipping spacers etc
  4. You bugger. I was happy having one of the newest cars. Very nice car, and in the best colour! Now, time for mods?!
  5. I take pics of my mileage... don't trust anyone. Also why I want a dash cam Seriously though, one tank of fuel? Bet it would be cheap supermarket crap too. Read a case of a Merc dealer doing it to an older guy, he had video proof, and they offered him a chunk of cash to keep quiet, but he didn't and published the story instead.
  6. Did you get it wrapped or buy it that colour? Was thinking what mine would look like in yellow, orange or purple
  7. Can you take a pic dead on from the back? Look like they sit a bit funny? Love what you've done so far - Making my wishlist longer though
  8. You gotta send me the build sheet for that 350... dayum.
  9. Can I get the same from Nissan? All I can see is this ugly mug in the drivers seat.
  10. Not being funny, but surely with a Porsche the options are endless? I've been to my local dealer, and bar the black interiors on a few they were all different. Even found one with blue/grey leather, the rest were the usual "fancy car" colours ( red... cream... beige.) If I was in the market for such a vehicle, I'd narrow it down to a few specs, then drive them all for an extended test drive, and you'd soon notice you can't see! Now I have to play on the Porsche configurator.
  11. If my car had that disgusting stuff in it I'd want sunglasses too, so I didn't have to look at it. http://www.carbuzz.com/news/2017/8/13/Porsche-Forced-To-Buy-Free-Sunglasses-For-Some-Owners-7740570/
  12. Saw you flash me, was trying to put my drink in the cupholder hahaha sorry! Loved the colour shift
  13. Awwww that sucks Sorry for your loss, and even more sad you didn't get a good bye.
  14. Anything under 110 I wouldn't worry about. Mine goes to 110 after doing a pull through a few gears, and more lively driving, but other than that its never gone above 95 normal driving
  15. How about send it to my address I'll even pay shipping Good looking bay. So looking forward to seeing this progress.
  16. One of the best colours for a 370z IMO.
  17. Apparently women have rights now?
  18. Do you mean the mechanism is broken? Or is the hood torn?
  19. HOLY THREAD REVIVAL BATMAN! I had PC since it came out, got pi**ed off with it not working so stopped playing it for a few weeks... said to be fixed, came back to it.... nope. sold it 6 months later.... got it free again through the games with gold scheme... still a bit broken but yeah. Firstly, what is up with the glitch if I hit a bump hard it literally will stop me moving, from say 150mph to about 10... and drops me into neutral! Secondly, does anyone use a wheel? I'm thinking of getting a Logitech G920, but unsure of if they're bringing a new model out any time soon, or how well it works with PC I know its an old thread but worth a shot
  20. Not bought anything, but just wanted to say thanks to Chris for helping us with stock checks etc. After a set of wheels, but parents couldn't decide what they wanted so still on the hunt.
  21. I'd put one of your chairs next to it I haven't read any more of the thread, but he seems to be the A hole. My previous neighbours basically said if we wanted to use their drive while they were on holiday we can... we had 3 cars but only room for 2 on the drive. Just be civil, cause the last thing you want is it to escalate. The people who replaced my "nice" neighbours were scum. Their kids kicked stones into our cars, so we spoke to the parents, and they said " yeah so? "... Just try n talk to them
  22. Whilst I personally will never drive an EV, you go ahead. Enjoy, and enjoy the benefits. I've probably lost £5k on my Nismo in just as many months and half the mileage. Yet, everytime I get in it, it makes me happy. So your wife hopefully will be the same. You can afford a new car, and want one so go do it ^_^ Go enjoy your car, and kick the crap outta reps in diesel mobiles for us. The enemy of my enemy is my fwiend
  23. You need to give me a wheel, for reviewing and testing purposes...
  24. Can someone explain why the front fender/wings are black? I don't get it. Also will people stop putting MK1 Nismo wings on stuff, it makes me jealous and I want one!
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