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Everything posted by Mikevv

  1. You're lucky I'm super lazy, I do still have it, but like I said collection only :/
  2. Hi guys, I have bought a spare of kick plates as I was carbon dipping mine. I obviously no longer need them and they take up too much space to just keep. I paid £25 delivered and am just looking to get that back, or as close to as possible. I am based in the Bournemouth area so I can delivery locally at the cost of fuel, usually same day, otherwise I think postage will be about £6 due to size. They have minor scratches on them , but no deep gouges. This can probably be fixed with a fresh coat of paint but as I wasn't keeping them I didn't see the point. All of the clips are still intact on the back, however 2 show signs of stress ( where the plastic has gone white? ) so I think they might be a bit delicate I tried to get a picture but my camera is cracked and can't focus. Sorry guys. They are all there though so rest assured, once fitted it won't make a difference, just means you might need to be a bit more careful when fitting. Please feel free to make me an offer and I'll get back to you asap.
  3. Likewise. For some reason when I drive my Z it makes this weird squealing noise from the tyres when I go over painted surfaces. Seems to be directly tied to my accelerator pedal. Strange
  4. Did both of you use "The Wheel Specialist" in Ferndown? I went there years ago for my BMW refurb with a chap named Peter. Great price, service, and top class bloke. Gave me a discount cause I was young and I said I can bring him more customers if it was done right. Needless to say he got 2 more customers because of that I went back again not too long ago for a side project - V8 Mercedes engine table - and found out there is a new owner Bloody useless to say the least. Anyways just wondering when you guys had yours done, and if it was the same place? I want to get my Rays refurbed into Anthracite or similar colour but don't trust them any more.
  5. Are those Linea Corse LC818's ? Look bloody good! What colour/finish is that? I want a set, but will have to wait nearly a year. Gotta pay off the loan to avoid interest
  6. Mikevv

    Wheel Refurb

    I can't recommend the people in Ferndown anymore. I used "The Wheel Specialist" on my BMW alloys, was super happy with the service from a guy named Peter. He saw I was young, a student, and said if I can bring him more business we can work out a deal. Needless to say, I came back with my wheels, my dads, and an engine block to be made into a table in the next few years. While my wheels turned out amazingly first time, my dads did not work as expected. Peter had a look, apologised and said he will try and fix the problem for next to nothing. Good service IMO The new people who did my engine however.... Rubbish. Thick gloopy mess in places, powder left over in others. Specific instructions on what not to do, and even though he agreed not to do it, I came to pick up parts with them painted incorrectly (even though we agreed on how I wanted it) He then "fixed it" by grinding away the paint and damaging the parts underneath. Was so angry, I decided bugger them. Not worth my time. So I personally wouldn't take it to the monkey at The Wheel Specialist, but I hear the other one literally 2 spaces up the road is good?
  7. Nice to see my car in the pics, but from far away. Was disgusting both in and out, with the interior in pieces
  8. I have a spare set of kick plates if you want? All the clips are still in tact, they are prone to breaking when people remove them " enthusiastically " lol PM me if you're interested
  9. Looks like I'll be going Aiming for the Tesco car park just after 8 ish. Heading out from Ringwood around half 7. From 300zx.co.uk; 1.Stephen/Z32bolt 2.TheRealNips 3.Ben M 4.AndrewG 5.(adl)Phoenix 6.bigh 7.raph1982 8.sdriver73 From 350uk; 1. Bodyboarder81 2. Buster 3. firemansim 4. Justthejedi 5. RafsZed 6. Hiumpy? 7. bababongles 8. Andy James 9. Andyhut 10. Jimboy2 10. Jimboy2 11. Terry06 12. Harryjax. 13. 350ZRDev 14. Chris Wiltshire 15. Z370Z 16. GT4 140/176 17. Mikeyazure 18. Migwel 19. Zkeletor 20. Jackybear 21. Jackybear 23. A9H-RX 24. A9H-RX (second Zed) 25. Tomb 26.KryptoChris 27.Mikevv + GF From Zclub; 1.Huw 2.fairlineguy 3.farmer42 4.ben240z potentially
  10. Okay I can't get them back in for the life of me. The clips just don't want to go in, I can't got them close enough into the cabin so to speak. Can't go from above cause the rubber seal is too fat, and at an angle there is the obvious issue of it not clipping in. How did you guys get them back in? I don't want to damage the clips as I'm selling my spare set soon. Figured I'd use the cheap spares to practice fitting before I use my expensive dipped ones! Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Right people, this thread is now irrelevant. I've decided to bite the bullet and dip stuff. They charged £240 for the silver trim around the gearstick, the door trims, grab handle and kick plates. Saw the other parts they'd done, and they are seriously high quality. Payment on collection, so if they aren't good enough I don't pay :3 We shall see what it's like in about a week, I'll post pictures :3
  12. I am no longer looking to swap the car as I now have the Z. Please can this thread be moved to the appropriate for sale section ? Again if you need any edits done, please let me know and I'll jump on it like something that likes to jump on other things.
  13. Wow, looks great!! Very nice, clean car. Looks well looked after, and I'm sure it'll fly out the door The verdict is still out on what my other half thinks of my car, she hasn't been in it yet. Her first time will be Sunday, but my family love it Can I make a rude suggestion? I didn't see any pictures of the seats, like the facing the boot? Just cause I know the bolsters tend to wear and I thought maybe people will be curious to see the condition Again, lovely car!! GLWTS Edit: tried to fix grammar and other irrelevant waffling.
  14. I got a quote for the interior trim which worked out fairly reasonable, £40 a piece basically. This was only for the door trims ( the grab handle aluminium trim thingy , and the 2 trim pieces that hold the window/mirror controls ) My issue was the distance and shipping. I figured go for a local, then I can pop in and check the quality before I say I'm happy and take the parts home. The money I save on postage I spend on fuel so it's neither here or there, but I get peace of mind, and to drive the Z more A place called Wicked Coatings was recommended on the forum, so I'm popping down tomorrow just to see what they can really do and see what they charge for the interior trims. You can get the silver Z to stay surely? Just melt the back pin thingies, then get it dipped, and put like plastic putty stuff/super glue etc. It won't move much due to the location so that should hold. My other idea was to call it quits and just sell the 2 sets of normal black plastic and get the aluminium ones
  15. Hi guys, as per the title, I'm after some real carbon or dipped kick plates. My local place ( Wicked Coatings in Poole ) want to charge me £144 to dip just the kick plates. I thought that was a rip off so I didn't bother calling them back. I googled carbon kickplates and found these: http://www.cqout.com...0z-Z33/12292090 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350z-Carbon-Door-Sill-SET-UK-Seller-Top-Quality-/291320890647?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item43d4140517#rpdCntId Has anyone experienced any of their products or something similar? I figured for £80 they can't be great, but also I'd have to pay postage and probably import taxes. But my logic here is why pay £144 for fake, painted sills, when the real McCoy is about the same. If anyone has any real or dipped kick plates please let me know, I'm interested EDIT : added links to 2 products I am considering - PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT AND GIVE ME YOUR OPINIONS
  16. Dishonest bastards. From what I recall seeing on the forum here, they run about £50 for a new one. I just can't remember who from right now off the tip of my tongue. Sorry.
  17. That look's great!!! Usually I'm a bit of a child and get things like big red callipers, but on your car the silver matches with the black and darker wheels. Can you tell me what colour, if it's specific, your Rays are? I have a black car and want to get them refurbed in a sort of anthracite/gunmetal colour. Also.... I will accept your wheels and brakes as a " welcome to the forum " gift... gimme me your address and I'll gladly come take them off your car, for free!!! Great bargain for you Hopefully see you at the Beaulieu meet? Have a proper look
  18. Mikevv

    Door cards

    I get the feeling they don't, I was taking mine apart earlier today to get the plastic trims off for a repaint/carbon dip, and I kept finding pre facelift instructions. They have different mounting systems, like screws where the others don't and its a headache. People saying " look here for the screw" and I'd check and think I'm going nuts cause there's nothing there. If you can make it work, and fit snugly without rattles, I'd say go for it though, someone's gotta be a first to do it :3
  19. Right guys, I'm taking this to the Beaulieu car meet when I go, all you gotta do to get it is come say hello, and maybe buy me a burger or something If nobody takes it, then it's going in the skip outside the nearest shop
  20. Hi guys, It looks like I'm going, as long as the weather stays good. I'll update the list on Saturday to be sure, and will also update it on when I am going in case I come meet you in the car park. I will be bringing a Birdview screen with me, free for anyone who introduces themselves and maybe gets me a burger/drink Also bringing some 350z black kick plates, all clips intact , just bought a spare set while mine get dipped in carbon effect, if anyone is interested? All you gotta do is pay for mine and the GF's entry to the show I know there's a for sale section but I was going to do it this way, so we don't have to pay for postage and meet some people too But after the event, if nobody wants it, the price will be more, about £30 for both. So save some money, and get to meet me Unfortunately I work nights so I'm off to bed now, but please admins/mods do what you need to do to my post to make it worthy of this section and I'll fix it asap. Looking forward to meeting you guys!!!
  21. You bugger! I've been struggling to find any Ford dealers who know more than " Oh it's RHD now" lol Envy springs to mind, as my dad is dying to get one. For the cash, and the V8, best <£40k car around IMO. Looks great, sounds great, goes like stink. Keep us posted!!! VIDS WITH SOUNDS ARE NEEDED!
  22. Facepalm. Dad taught me the wrong thing as a kid then, or I assumed lol. He always used to say his car was warm by looking at the gauge, I guess it's a rough indicator, but not accurate. I doubt I'll bother looking for one, won't beat on the car until it's been driven for a good 20 mins anyways so it's definitely warm
  23. Nice car buddy!! Almost identical to mine, but mines black, also '56 and Jan 07 Glad your parking sensors are level, I've seen many that have the 2 under the reverse lights, and then 2 middle ones nearly an inch higher up towards the number plate. Looks weird and drives my OCD into unhealthy levels of high Going to fit my own soon ish, need a good clear weekend to do it. I've not had my car long, but I was worried about power to begin with, coming from a 146 BHP ( when new ) BMW to this beast. Yet she's so smooth and gentle to drive, can pull out most junctions in 2nd if I'm still rolling at a bit Don't have to plan as much anymore, can just blip the throttle and I'm off Love the wave of torque in every gear. such a usable car You'll be surprised at how economical it is too!!! I'm currently averaging 25 mpg, on my 8 ish mile commute to work, which is 1 mile of 30 mph, then about 3 at 40 mph with another 3 or 4 miles of 60 mph ( Salisbury road ) Sometimes I get to power her up to... above 62... shall we say for legal reasons One thing I've noticed is she can be tail happy on wet, painted roundabouts, only having 245s at the rear, and Falken Ziex 914's ( not my choice, previous owner had them and they have lotsa meat left so keeping them for now ) You'll soon realise that first tank of free petrol is gone soon, cause you can't stop pushing the " smile pedal " Enjoy her mate, she looks great!!! Can I ask where you're based, roughly? Maybe come to the Beaulieu event this weekend, and meet some forum members?
  24. Look, the Cayman S is a car I'd like to own but let's get the facts right. 2006 Basic Cayman S List price £44,250, quite a bit over £40k I'd say 2007 350Z HR List price £30,318 including full GT pack, metallic paint £450 extra. Depreciation on a basic Cayman S circa 28k and on an HR 21k. Adding loads of factory options doesn't really make much difference to the resale value of a 9-10 year old car, should make it easier to sell though. Anyway, I was only really picking up on the point someone made that a Cayman S was worth 3 times more than a DE engined Zed, probably true if you look at a 2003 DE but comparing like to like, 2007 Cayman S against 2007 HR then the poster is clearly wrong. Pete Yawn! I must have dreamt paying £36k for my UY GT4.......... The Cayman S is a better car than the 350Z.............surely that's not a surprise to anyone?? If you have £16k to spend..............you'd buy a Cayman S. If you have £9k to spend you'd buy a 350Z. I did the same when I bought my GT4 and didn't have an extra £10k for a Cayman S or similar It's a simple as that. The Zed is a great car!! I Loved both of my zeds and would buy another, BUT if the price was much higher I would never have bought one, and thats it's main plus point and always has been... Personally not a fan of the older Caymans, however the new ones, like 2014/2015 with that weird spoiler/crease into the lights is nice I bought a Z purely based on the fact it was the best performing car I can get for the money, and at £9k you get some damn good ones. The only competition would be an E46 M3 or a Cayman but as you say, cost an extra wad of cash I already drive an E46 318i ( yes not the same in any way ) but I wanted something more special that people would notice more. The interior would be nearly identical, and let's be honest, a 20 year old can never afford to own, run, maintain and INSURE the damn thing. so I went with the Z. The Porker is great for handling, and nice to say " I own a Porsche " but in day to day driving, I wouldn't get the same thrills out of it. It's a high revving, but high reward sort of car which would be great, but you'd want to floor it to get those higher rev/engine notes Comes with a high price too. Maintenance was my main concern, as Porsche is a premium brand, I thought parts would be the same. Also again, didn't have the extra cash to go get one. I went with my Z cause I loved the "rawness" of it. The road noise is okay for short trips, whereas the Porker and M3 probably are great for long trips. The loud engine/exhaust notes, and the fact it slips and slides quite easily is all what I wanted. Like I said before, the Porsche was just "too good" if that makes sense? It does everything so well, and it ruins part of the experience, in my eye. Plus the Z was cheap to run and maintain, relative to the others. I'm sure owners of both cars love their decisions, and stand by them. If I had the Porsche, and money wasn't a concern ( hahaha good joke right? ) I would be happy as a Porker in @*!# But for your £16k price tag , I would genuinely rather have a 370z. I think again it's more special than the Porsche, but I haven't driven the Cayman so it's not fair to say. The 370z I drove last Christmas was much more refined and plush than a 350z, so it would close the gap between it, and the Cayman, IMO. Now take a shovel full of salt, and re read my terribly structured and written response. English is not my forte.
  25. Hi guys, I'm a little concerned at how "cold" my car is running My old car would run around the middle of the gauge ( yes, I know, very accurate....) But my Z is reaching say 1/3rd of the gauge, and never gets hotter? Part of me thinks that's a good thing, but it takes almost no time to warm up either. I was wondering how hot your cars run guys? I'm sorry, this is more than likely a stupid post, and in the wrong place, but I don't know who else to ask. I'll post pictures tomorrow morning when I get home from work on my usual commute
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