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Everything posted by Mikevv

  1. Well I'm on BT infinity 2 , I get around 50 MBPS download, my mate LITERALLY ACROSS THE ROAD was on sky's top package ( not sure what its called ) And he never once topped 22MBPS down. Weirdly though his upload was about the same as mine, which annoyed me We pay around £27 a month but we don't pay line rental so I don't know what that would total up to - Dad has his own company and works from home, so he pays the line rental through his company ( no idea why - he's got a reason APAZ ) Anyways, before the BT, we were on Sky as well, and would barely reach above dial up speeds during high traffic times ( after 4pm was when it kicked in, up to around midnight ) Needless to say, the tiny extra payment towards BT was well worth it when I could actually play games online and watch videos without buffering constantly. Having said all this, it all depends on location. We are quite lucky where I live cause the exchange is only about 2 miles away I believe. Some social rejects dug up the exchange and sold the copper wires on though which was irritating - low life scum. I'll do a few speed tests across various devices and post up the results later for you. Anyways just give BT a go, if you don't like it, you have 14 days to change your mind free of charge, like with all contracts Just my £0.02 - This isn't my area of expertise, but my big brother works in IT so he knows what he's on about - I just repeat what he says
  2. I seem to have the opposite problem at the moment, not sure if its due to the cold, but mine don't seem to suck themselves back in as much as I remember. Often find the belt half hanging in the door opening when I get out. Might just be me, going to have a look later. Are they easy/cheap to replace with new parts? I'm assuming Nissan charge a fortune, but I can source em elsewhere than the main stealers
  3. I might be interested in the diff oil, not sure yet. Got a P3 coming in December - Not sure of the price directly from Nissan, going to try and find some and I'll get back to you. Can anyone confirm if this is the correct oil for a manual '56 DE 350z?
  4. 26 mpg?!? I'm assuming you run an AMG? Sorry wasn't me just being nosy
  5. Hi guys, I bought carbon mirror covers from Tarmac a while back, the tape seemed to hold.... for 2 days. I found one on the road, and luckily my neighbour found it. Anyways, because of this, I am doubting using 3m tape again as it clearly was not up to the job. I am now debating using something like JB weld or Araldite ( both come in that weird dual tube thing so no mixing needed ) My only concern is the state of the mirror underneath afterwards if I were to lose/break one. The tape is nice and easy to remove, which is it's flaw - but leaves no marks. The glue would probably leave some form of layer and marks meaning it would need a respray This leads me to want to get the strength of the glue with the convenience of the tape. What would you do? Smother it in glue and make sure they NEVER come off the car, or fill it with so much tape it might not fit flush, but have the convenience of removal. I'm at a cross roads as I don't want to ruin the "unmolested" appeal of my car, but also want the damn mirrors not to fall off!!! Give me some hints, or maybe point me in the direction of something suitable to bond the plastic/carbon together Thanks guys - I hope this is in the correct section of forum!
  6. I like the X6, has a massive GET OUT OF MY F-ING WAY look to it. The back is not amazing but better than the X5, and miles better than the tumor on wheels merc. Mercedes new design language just isn't doing it for me. Too rounded on everything. Their lights all look the same, have no real shape or aggression to them. I used to draw lights on my cars like that when I was about 7 - Jelly bean shapes coloured in red for back and left clear for the fronts.... Going to watch this later when I get home, really enjoy Motortrend videos, but I miss Carlos - He left for some other mag I think??? I'd only buy one of these if I wanted a quick cruiser/bruiser and had a family - But then why not just get an M5 and be done? Going back to the "status symbol" surely that crown is the Range Rover and G wagon? ( Not sure about Cayenne here, but maybe )
  7. There are a few videos and threads out there on how to pop them out. All you need is a screw driver or two AND PRYING TOOLS. They help so much. They are mounted differently in a pre and post facelift as I found out the hard way. Make sure you have the right instructions. Basically you can just sand them smooth, get the old rattle cans out and go mad. Easy to do and cheap fix.
  8. Nice looking Zed, in the best colour combo too (But I am biased) I know this is picky, but it's the little things that are nice to get sorted first IMO. Get the centre caps on your wheels colour matched Find a way to get the mirror plastic back to a deep and dark black ( the triangle bit where it mounts to the door/window ) Personally I prefer the orange reflectors on the front of the Z, adds a nice bit of contrast Have a look at these chaps, they have done a fair few forum members steering wheels, and they look fantastic!! http://royalsteering...s.com/nissan-3/ Other than that, she looks bloody great, those seats and trims look immaculate I'm not into the performance side of mods yet, but common mods seem to be plenum spacers, JWT Popchargers, and a few others - Have a look in the performance mod section or follow some build threads First and foremost though, tyres and brakes will be your best bet, followed by your suspension, lastly power A few traders on here do "bundle deals" and we get some forum discount for being nice Check out Tarmacsportz, Torqen and Cougarstore ( there are more but these are the only ones I've personally dealt with ) Again check the forum in the trader section and have a look To round it all off mate, welcome along, she looks great, and enjoy the drive
  9. Saw a black 04 350z heading from Ringwood to Salisbury way this morning, forgot to make a post I keep forgetting to blind any poor Z owner I manage to find with my lovely shiny lights.... just not used to flashing people I don't know Seen just after 8 this morning Edit : added a rough time I spotted you
  10. http://i446.photobuc...ds/IMAG0235.jpg I found this pic of a fellow forum members car, and have basically decided that this is what I want Going to the wheel shop tomorrow morning or Friday if all goes to plan
  11. I'm more shocked by the price myself
  12. Sorry to be " that guy " but what about the B pillars? They back in stock yet?
  13. Is yours snapped or are the clips broken, or is it just scuffed? 99% of the forum gave up with that horrible textured stuff and just sprayed it ourselves with rattle cans, or get them dipped in fancy finishes. I myself did the latter and got carbon fiber effect done Otherwise I can't help you buddy, cause I'm not sure why you are after new ones.
  14. I'd love to be able to go and live in the USA. Sunshine, dry weather, cheap fuel, more guns than I'd have time to use and most of all SPACE. England is too cramped for me. Tiny roads and living ontop of eachother almost everywhere you go. Good luck for the future mate, buy a Zed over there and stay with all of us on the forum, Don't join that horrid yanky version
  15. I may be interested in the gold valves ( getting my wheels refurbed soon ) just gotta sort some things out first before I can be 100% sure.
  16. Is that a Vauxhall VXR8 on the left hand side? Contemplating getting one after the Z for the LS3, but the damn interior scares me after driving a Vectra and it feeling like a tractor compared to the nice low and hugging seats on the 350z
  17. I am half tempted, just don't have the cash. Maybe post up some pics how they compare with 350 seats. Any idea when you'd be looking to sell up, or the sort of price? Should get a nice response to these soon, Christmas is coming soon, and Halloween is a good excuse to buy some black
  18. It all depends on your budget, style of driving, and types of driving ( as in motorway or town sorta thing ) I occasionally do motorway journeys, as in an hour, and averaged 33 mpg just cruising above the speed limit. On my commute to work which is an 8 mile journey with a mix of 30,40 and 60 mph sections, I generally average 25-27 mpg depending on traffic and how excited I get with the throttle These figures actually match what I was getting in my E46 318i - So I'm very happy with it I haven't owned her long enough for maintenance, but spares are reasonably priced considering performance parts. Brakes are £70 a corner for discs more or less depending on where you look, but many will tell you to speak to some traders on here and get up-rated discs for literally £5 more - Sometimes there are specials running that give you great upgrades, £400 for all 4 corners - Discs and pads!!! Not bloody bad if I do say so myself. Tyres really depend on what you do, I've seen people go through a set in as little as 8k on the rears, yet others who are more gentle and as stated above, last well above 20k. Just please don't skimp on the only thing keeping you on the road. People swear by Michelin Pilot Super Sports on here, for good reason. Not much more than your middle grade tyre and feedback is nothing short of fantastic. Tax varies between models, pre facelift/06 models being £285 a year for tax, and 06 onwards being £500 - In my opinion it's not worth sacrificing a great car to save essentially 3 fuel tanks worth of V juice ( yeah that sounds dirty, and I like it ) The facelift brings a nice, well, facelift to the car. Have a look on google for the subtle exterior tweaks, and the interior not so subtle ones. The satnav is actually so bad it adds literally no value to a car, very outdated system and a pain in the arse to use, yet easily replaced so don't worry about that. Have a browse of the common issues with the 350's and you'll be thankful for it. Find any 350z with an issue on the list, and you have a rough idea of cost to fix it, and also help diagnose what is wrong. Never be afraid to walk away, they aren't that rare of a car to find, but I waited nearly 8 months to find one I was truly happy with, and it still has its quirks I need to iron out. That peddle on the right, the one that makes it go vroom ties directly to cheesy grins... mash it hard and your face hurts. Weird. Something else I noticed, if you keep your foot down on it, and then take it off to change gears, then put it back down, repeating this process, smiles stay on the face! On a serious note, it's a hugely capable car, fast, looks great, superbly comfortable cruiser or loud brute. It does it all. Even has a lot of storage space if you get creative with it You won't regret getting one, and Zeditis will set in, and you'll be hooked on the next big part you want for it. I know I am.
  19. I believe it's quite a fiddle but not too bad. I was thinking about buying myself a black pair, but having swapped my BMW interior, it was irritating You selling up soon? What colour?
  20. Oh you buggers. I want one so badly, but only once my OEM system buggers up. Been slowly saving away the pennies for a rolled TI system, bloody nice.
  21. A friend of mine met his current girlfriend on there, been together nearly 2 years I think. My brother met his girlfriend on Chat Roulette ( yeah, I know ) and they've been together for 4 years now. At the same time, that friend had a few one night stands, and even FWB before her, so it can be worth while, just don't expect to find a wife and just have fun
  22. Sorry sounds stupid, just never seen a Z from behind at night, when reversing. Oddly specific haha. Thanks for the help
  23. I was reversing tonight and my brother pointed out that only one little light comes on at the bottom of my bumper on the left hand side I was wondering, should there be one on the right, as there is a clear part and a red part - the red bit coming on with fog lights obviously Thinking maybe she's given up,bulb or entire inners, can't be a fuse cause surely then neither would work? I'll have a fiddle over the weekend maybe, unless it's normal!!
  24. Ah that would explain their frankly nuts price But the quality must be outstanding I figured the paint shop can whack up something I like, have a sit down and show them all the pics I agree that on Rays purple won't look right, but on something bolder than my stock car, just maybe. Lowered, 19's and some body mods would help a lot, but I'm not really into that
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