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Everything posted by Mikevv

  1. Silly money for wheels IMO, coulda bought a mint '63 plate genuine Nismo in the "zeds for sale" section when you add them all up together. Good luck finding nice wheels that don't break the bank, and keep posting pics
  2. Mikevv

    Newby alert...

    I'd go with Michelin Pilot Super Sports, they are constantly recommended on the forum, and I will be ordering mine on payday I currently run Falken 453's all round, but find them some what lacking in the grip department, but mine are down to about 3mm at the back and probably closer to 4,5/5mm at the front - But like you, don't like mismatched tyres, so going all round I had a look earlier online and found the following prices, although you might want to check yourself as this doesn't include fitting Openeo Front - £135 Rear - £135 as well Mytyres Front - £142 Rear - £137 Black circles Front - £147 Rear - £139
  3. Yeah all legit copies are going to auto update, it's so they can cut ties and stop all support for them. Better get backing up, or run a non genuine copy
  4. I got the Garmin Nuvi 2699 - a bit out of your ideal price range, but bloody brilliant. Shows pictures of junctions/turnings and live updates with traffic etc Can be used portrait or landscape style, the screen is almost as good as a smartphone, very responsive and accurate unlike older satnavs Loads of toys like 3d buildings/landmarks ( I turned it off cause I didn't see the point of it ) but yeah have a google, might be worth considering? For the record, I paid £180 for mine back in September last year, so should be a bit cheaper now
  5. Wow talk about bad timing... Dad's finally cracked it! Sorry guys. Mods can delete this post :S
  6. Hi guys, I'm trying to get my rear discs off and for the life of me can't get them to budge. Tried heating them up slightly, beating/pulling combo with hammers and dad, nothing seems to work Anyone got a hub puller that will work? Need it asap, amazon only deliver in 3 days or so, and want it done before then. I'm in Ringwood but can travel a bit to get it Don't mind buying or paying to use it, just want it today/asap!! Thanks
  7. Got it a while ago, embarrassed to say took about 3 hours to do one caliper -.- hopefully the others won't be broken n jammed like this :/
  8. Hi guys, I decided to tackle my brake change on my own as I didn't see it being difficult - I was wrong. I've been stuck on the one rear brake for over an hour now. The first K clip came out no problem, barely pulled it and it was out, the other one however was difficult, after some persuasion it was still not moving much. Wedged a screw driver in there and pulled, same as the previous one, untill PING. it snapped in half. CRAP! I tried to pull the remaining bits out, and that went okay, until I looked closer. The little hole where it sits is blocked with a shard of the K clip still in it. Any ideas how to get it out? I've tried using the other one to try and push it, but it's not budging. Do I have to go from the bottom up, as in pushing it the same direction it would be pulled, or can it go both ways? surely it wouldn't matter as there is a hole the entire way through the pin!! PLEASE HELP :'(
  9. I really would if i had the spare cash It's a great deal, and would love a forum kept car this time round Hope you get a last minute buyer mate, be a shame to let a stealer have it
  10. PM'ed - I'm not usually available during the day, and only free late evening I work nights , so can't often meet unless it's early in the morning, or after 6 pm - It's a real bastard!! Would it be easier to just post it/deliver it in a box via a courier?
  11. I'm feeling very suspicious of this particular one. I don't recognise the wheels, is it perhaps an import? Still looks like a good buy, if you know what you're looking for - almost tempted myself, just gotta swap out the wheels and seats Anyways here's the link. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201601079869704?radius=1500&page=1&transmission=manual&search-target=usedcars&sort=ageasc&postcode=bh241sz&model=370_z&make=nissan&body-type=coupe&price-to=20000&searchcontext=default&onesearchad=used%2Cnearlynew%2Cnew&logcode=p
  12. Mikevv

    Tyres on your zed

    Good price, last time I checked they came out around £560-£580... I'll keep them in mind when I buy next month
  13. I'm worried it's going to stick out like a sore thumb, and look like an after thought sort of. I'll have a play on Forza and try and see if it looks okay For now can you take pics of damage? I can see some scratches, just wondered what else there is, no offence but it seemed to fit a bit weirdly on your car
  14. Yeah the pics are a bit weird, makes the lacquer look almost runny? It's hard to judge the condition, and being 2,5 hours away from me, I can't just pop down and look at it :'(
  15. Mikevv

    Tyres on your zed

    What I'm getting at is he might have "big" tyres for his car, but they'd be OEM for another car, therefore wearing weirdly for that model. My point is that I don't want part worns from some idiot, as it's literally the only thing holding me on the road. To each there own I guess.
  16. For future references use this tool to try and keep the percentage within 1% of the OEM sizes : http://www.tyresave.co.uk/tyresize.html I took the liberty of doing it for you, but feel free to double check I think you can go with a 255/40/18 on the front, and then a 275/40/18 on the back Might I also suggest going for MPSS tyres in case you hadn't decided on a tyre yet, a bit more expensive but the grip and general reviews have been nothing short of excellent
  17. Most of us just got them hydro dipped or stick vinyl on them to be honest, but someone might have a spare set?
  18. Speaking from experience, the ATS near me was a **** up. Buggered my dads wheel up, then spent and hour trying to cover it up only to just give it back and not tell us. Only know they tried to fix it cause they put some weird silver @*!# on the rim, obviously hoping it would match - It didn't. But saying that, some places just get a bad rep, and you might find your local branch is different - Call them to see if they can fit tyres that big cause some places have limitations on width
  19. Mikevv

    Tyres on your zed

    when you buy a used car it comes with part worns.................... Yeah, and they have been worn in by the car they have always been attached to. You telling me the tyre won't be any different if worn in by say ( extreme here ) a 1200 kg FWD lunchbox running fat wheels? I guess you can visually inspect and hope for the best, but I don't see the point in skimping on such a nice car as ours.
  20. Ditto, if its basically an OEM one, but dipped/genuine then I'd be interested. How does it fix to the car? Any damage/scratches? ( my oem one needs a respray and was thinking of getting a carbon one to replace it )
  21. Mikevv

    Tyres on your zed

    Weird how this appeared the day after I told my mate to try and swap all 4 tyres rather than just the front two on his Fiesta ST... I'm currently running Falken FK453 on Rays - Fitted by previous owner They're down to about 3mm so will be replacing with MPSS soon ish, but I only do about 5k miles a year. Does anyone really buy part worns? I really don't trust them personally, do others?
  22. What is with that awkward wing on the Huayra - looks out of place and crap! Also agree with BBK, the Ferrari add is great. Anyone remember this one? Thought it was a BMW 4 series ad when I first saw it.
  23. I agree with you, also won't 245 be a bit stretched on a 9,5j?? I use this tool to help me figure it out http://www.tyresave.co.uk/tyresize.html I also read somewhere that you should try and keep the two tyres around 20mm difference, not more, as it promotes oversteer I believe? But surely a massive front tyre can also promote understeer, so you gotta find the sweet spot
  24. Well it's good I didn't order them then Looks like I won't be doing DBA sets then, Can't justify £600 for brakes that I won't really use. Thanks for the heads up
  25. Hi guys, I need new pads at the rear, MOT places them at around 80% worn - Bad I know but the previous MOT was fine so don't really understand how they got so bad so fast. Anyways, I checked them over the weekend and they are deffo worn Now cause I'm both lazy and time limited, I figured I'd do pads and discs all round in one go. I don't get much time to work on the car due to weather and work/social commitments I'm thinking around £100 a corner a set should be ample - and I found two discs in this range ( not sure which pads to use with the DBA discs ) I found these DBA 4000 Series from ClarkMotorsport - with Stoptech Street pads? http://www.clarkmoto...ented/DBA4954SP http://www.torqen.uk...o-30909600.html http://www.clarkmoto...ented/DBA4574SP http://www.torqen.uk...o-30909610.html Then I'm looking at these Black Diamond discs + pads but supplied by Mitz for both the front and rear - only had one link http://www.demon-twe...mm-vented-discs http://cougarstore.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_7_6&products_id=101 http://cougarstore.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_7_6&products_id=102 if it was your money, which would you go for? I like the drilled/slotted rotors, as they look the bees, but I hear DBA is a superior product? I would also need pads, so what pads would you use for the DBA discs, as I doubt Black Diamond ones would be a good match I ONLY do road use, so I thought these would all be ample. The links are purely so I can refer you to exactly what I'm looking - Sorry for the over kill.
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