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Everything posted by Mikevv

  1. Unfortunately he got the "Custom pack" which is why the wheels and window trim are silver/chrome, shame really as they look very aggressive in black - but it's not my car so I'm glad OP got what he wanted Still insanely jealous, over a year away from placing my order still -.-
  2. That's a left hander, for almost UK money. No wonder it's been on sale for months. There are a couple of cars arriving in May as cancelled orders so go get one :3
  3. Mikevv

    Plasti Dip

    I don't think we need a video too mate Don't worry about the sponge, I told my mate off for using a sponge, he replied with " Well what else would you use? " It's okay though, he's not a car person, pays the local garage £15 to wash it ( with sponges and dirty bucket water I may add ) cause he is too lazy... Back on topic though, I imagine it is a lot cheaper than vinyl ? Just not many people specialise in it
  4. Now accepting offers on anything, don't be shy!!! Want them gone asap, and Japfest is a good excuse to not use the postie COME ON PEOPLE
  5. Last chance to let me know if anyone wants any of my stuffs for Japfest, I'd rather take it with me than post it, so make me an offer I will consider anything - The postie is a lot of effort hahaha lowered prices for japfest weekend only http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/107181-350z-center-caps-front-tyres-and-nissan-nuts/ Mods this is the last time I will be bumping/advertising - sorry to be annoying :S
  6. Mikevv

    Plasti Dip

    I think I figured out why it's not working, there's a half naked man rubbing your car up Put some clothes on man!
  7. Have you not got a wedding to plan?! :lol: She won't let me choose anything serious... I get a few of the boring tasks though. Can you have some 350z-uk banners by the altar ?
  8. I’ve been soundproofing my Zed… I test drove the BMW i3 – fantastic car, actually found it really fun to drive around town How did you not vom when you saw it/got in it?
  9. Sorry I was referring to the fact it only has the power listed as 276 bhp, not the rev ups and HR's
  10. I wouldn't trust it, they can't even get the age/power figures right. Also, bar a forum car, I doubt you'd find a good'n for under £5k - But that's my opinion
  11. PM replied to, also added special Japfest offers, I want these gone people -Japfest will save you postage and get you a tasty discount I will accept offers on the tyres, maybe some drifters will need an emergency pair for cheap slides?
  12. In before all the haters against the leaf and EV camp - which includes me, but damn those savings are impressive, so I understand the reasoning Now spunk that saved up cash on a P85D or something with a great big V8
  13. Sorry if this is a bit of a long shot, going for a shameless plug, but would anyone like me to bring my stuff from the "for sale" section? 2 front tyres, 4 nissan centre caps, and the OEM wheel nuts + locking nuts? Figured it would save any interested parties the postage, and me the hassle of doing the post
  14. (hoping this is allowed, otherwise SORRY!!!) Friendly Monday night bump Guys, I want them gone, so make me an offer, need some spending money for my holiday hahaha
  15. Not my cuppa tea :S Maybe try a GTR... Has rear seats right? I'm just pulling your leg, but you not into any of the German Coupe's?
  16. Apart from the wing, that's amazing. Maybe if the wing was 8/10ths as big? idk just a tad much for me, but thats sweet
  17. In my experience, most cars look fairly similar after driving, black looks good all the time, even with dust, it's just the difference between clean and dirty is much greater. Just go with it, who cares if its a bit dirty, wash it once a week, pamper it, and drive the bloody thing!
  18. I don't see the point in this car, but then again I think the Veyron is useless too - Not that I don't appreciate the GTR they've built, impressive machine and must be insane to use! AMS make good GTR packages, as do Litchfield, and I've seen road tests of 750-1000 BHP GTR's and they are track monsters once they set them up for more than straight line speed. Like people who say "what's the point in having a fast car, you can only go 70" - yeah, but we can go to a track, and also getting to "70" is the fun bit Edit - added the fact I appreciate the power and speed
  19. This is a great alternative to a refurb on the Rays! if they had been wider, and if I didn't just have a refurb last week, I would of grabbed them GLWTS - Shouldn't take long at this price!
  20. Blacks the best colour, just saying But I agree, buy on condition, I saw one car that had 8k less miles, door dings everywhere, interior rips and mismatched tyres. Drove it purely cause I had come a long way after being told it was in good nick, and to get a feel what a "bad" zed felt like. needless to say, 3 weeks on he still hadnt sold it ( This was in June last year, so sports car weather! )
  21. Pffft my lawnmower makes more power, cause it's the internet, and everything I say is 110% credible. Not taking the ****, but I genuinely wonder how long that drive train will last - both in passes and general mileage? I mean if you have the cash to build it then I doubt you really care that much, but still must be annoying to watch your baby blow up regularly
  22. If that were my car, I'd take the bits of spoiler off and beat the offending party with it.... Damn that sucks, hope they left details and are forking out for the repairs!
  23. Facelift E90 M3 even better!! I disagree, E46 M3's are a classic, the E90's always looked crap to me. E92 isn't too bad though Please take this with a grain of salt, as I haven't experienced driving one, so that would more than likely make up for it
  24. Seems like the video is set to private mate, can't view it :S
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