Gonna start by saying I'm not sure if this is the right section :S
I'm torn between what to do with my new Nismo, I follow a few car youtubers loosely and they all seem to get PPF done. ( I can't stand SHMEE....)
I was looking into Xpel and they claim to be self healing to some extent, which is even better!!
Now I'm wondering if its worth it to do the whole front. I have a quote to do the front bumper, whole bonnet and the mirros for £900. My thinking is a respray ( being pearl white ) is gonna be like £500 odd to get a good quality job that matches, and then I can literally get a stone chip on the way home from the respray if lady luck is having a bad day. So surely in the long run ( its a 3 year PCP deal with balloon at the end ) its worth doing? I don't see the dealer having an issue with it as it protects their car essentially, but obviously I will double check this today when they learn how to answer a phone.
What do you guys think? Is it a phase? or a "fad" ?
It's a crazy amount of money, I will admit that, so more quotes will be sought after, but we all know how prone to stone chips the 350z is, and I don't see the Nismo being much better