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Everything posted by Mikevv

  1. I am still pootling mine around upto 4k, so many people try it on, and i am particularly resentful when its an Audi driver and i can't do anything I am not even at 200 miles yet I haven't really noticed any creaking from the seat, but then i haven't moved it apart from adjusting the knobby bits lol! I have noticed a rattle from somewhere in the boot, i think its the blind/shade/parcel shelf thing, but i am not "that" bothered by it to even check. the only other niggle is the noise it makes when you disengage 1st gear quickly when moving slowly. It makes a clunky sound, which is apparently a characteristic of the Nismo. Apart from that, its a real head turner, since i have bought it, i have not seen another on the road. Yeah that rattle irritates me around town, but then I turn the radio on and its gone Can't hear it at higher speeds say 50 or higher. Be glad you haven't gone higher, since I can now go more than 5k RPM, which only really happens on a slip road, I have average 21mpg hahaha, before that I got high 20s Just can't keep out of the loud pedal once its nice and warm/hot.. oil has to be at least 90 or higher before I'll take her above 5k, highest the oils gotten is about 95 and then I decided to let her cool off a bit
  2. I'm having issues with mine now too. My front left alloy is scratched, but ONLY on the diamond cut part. Noticed it when washing earlier. Like proper scratches. Only on one part though, which is odd cause I wash my wheels outside then in, so surely there would be more damage? I'll grab a pic in the morning but it's annoying me. Might have to plastidip them black hahaha. Bloody hate diamond cut wheels.
  3. Shes a big girl, lovely though!! Something about Labby ears I can't get enough of! So soft and floppy hahaha
  4. I'd love a blue staffie, or a Meatball from earlier in the thread... but I don't have time to fully love a dog and walk it etc, so a scaly dog will do, and a legless scaly dog Can totally understand and sorry if it came across in a negative way, that's not what I meant. Love the vast array of pets this thread has thrown up Oh god no its fine mate, no offence taken They aren't for everyone, and truth be told I was a bit nervous handling the snake at first and feeding her, but she's so dumb its hard to be scared of something that charges full speed ahead at the wall instead of its food... had her 4 months and not been bitten or even hissed at once so far. Cats aren't for me, but can appreciate they are nice to some. Like if someone has a cat I'll entertain it, and maybe hold it, but don't want my own..... Dogs however... turn your back on me and I'll have him/her wrapped up in my arms and running down the road My other half has a choc lab thats almost a year old now and weights 27kgs... I scoop her up and carry her... she then wriggled like a fish and I have to put her down again hahaha. My sister carries her staffy of a similar weight around like a baby... EDITED TO ADD PICS
  5. I'd love a blue staffie, or a Meatball from earlier in the thread... but I don't have time to fully love a dog and walk it etc, so a scaly dog will do, and a legless scaly dog
  6. Little update, snake and skink happily together, plus tidied up slightly! White stickers are temporary, so people can check temperatures etc while I'm out... and know what to set them to should I be home late
  7. 19 year old chav in a corsa * Hold my Stella m8, I can beat 'im
  8. I've had mine since April 13th, only just hit 1100 miles in it yesterday. Still love the car. I was told by Nissan not to go over 4000 rpm for the first 1000 miles... I couldn't take it anymore. I managed 450 odd before it drove me mad. then did the remaining 500 odd miles below 6000 rpm, and now its hit 1000 I feel its okay to use the full powerband, rarely do I bother because up to 6k is enough Also, your seat MIGHT creak and crack all over, mine did for a while then it stopped. Foolishly I moved the seat as I dropped something down the side, and now it creaks again....Other than that I can't give any other pointers apart from enjoy
  9. My mate has a Panasonic Lumix DMC-G6 , not sure on the lens but yeah might give that a go, only 16MP but should be doable? My other worry is a reputable cost effective way of getting it to canvas, who did you use? I have a local printing company that prints A1 for £20 so could always give that a go if I find a nice pic?
  10. I don't have a camera apart from on my phone :/ doubt it'll be high enough definition. 200 PPI is like 30 megapixels at A1. What did you use to take that? Looks great
  11. They're cool but just don't see anything that tickles my pickle I'm afraid, but deffo the style I'm after
  12. Why did you send me cheap crap. gawd. Bloody hell thats a lot of money hahaha imagine the zeditis that could fund
  13. Why stop there. I feel like the belly would be all kinds of fun...
  14. I saw a similar shirt in Primark yesterday hahaha weird timing. Star wars isn't really my thing, while I like it, the better half doesn't care for it either like yours hahaha She approved my idea to use an exhaust header and a long mid section as a stair banister/railing so she's a keeper Now to convince her that a gearbox makes a good bathroom sink
  15. So, I've had this stupid picture hanging on my wall for years now... It's album art work from Disturbed. I'm no longer too proud to have it on my wall and the other half wants it gone... I'm after something modern, and artsy/mechanical - I really like technical drawings and "exploded" views of things, like engines or a car. I'll post a few links below and you can see, but I just can't find pics in a high enough resolution to be used as an A1. The reason it has to be A1 is due to the size of the wall and anything smaller would look stupid, plus I already have the frame. http://www.gdtm.net/MBimages/SLR-engine.jpg http://www.lingenfelter.com/mm5/graphics/00000001/LS9ExplodedView9PT_900.jpg ( I know its a mustang dont hate me ) I would get it, but at £549 for an A1 its not even remotely worth it. I'd draw the line at £100 tops. https://shop.carthrottle.com/collections/engraved-plaques/products/2015-2017-ford-mustang-gt-laser-engraved-plaque
  16. Can't believe it hasn't gone If I had the room or a use for it I'd come get it. Really wanted to make a piece of wall art out of it, but don't think it would work Mark my words... you'll scrap it and 2 days later someone will offer you £50-£100 pahaha bloody sods law
  17. Been given an offer of £200 on eBay, as we all know, that means I only get roughly £180... so grab yourself a bargain... these were £330 new when I got mine COME ON PEOPLE!!!
  18. So, I've got an update... Nox my Royal Python has become a fatty... ( good thing, really ) She has finally outgrown her current little house and is in the process of having a new one built ( identical to the other one I will post below ) She is now not my only child anymore, my partner and I have agreed that we need a little boy... and here he is, his name is Bruce. He's a Northern Blue Tongue Skink, and can reach up to 2 foot in length. They are docile and almost like puppies. It's not uncommon for them to stare longingly out the tanks to get love and attention, like cuddles and being played with. Theyre so tame you can hand feed them chicken, or fruit and veg. I'm dying to meet the little fella and he is due to arrive at my house on Wednesday the 14th. Also note, I have upgraded my decor to two Mercedes M113 V8 blocks ( pistons and conrods have been powdercoated too, the crankshafts are currently bolted up to old DBA discs and being made into night lamps ) and a nice big 6 pot AMG caliper.... Not me holding him, the person who bred him is, I just wanted pictures to see he was healthy
  19. I quite like classic American cars and Beaulieu have a show on. I won't lie, I'm madly in love with a 68 camaro... that V8.... so awesome. Anyways Thought as car lovers you'd like the option to go Who wants to start a "going" list ?
  20. If you offer me the same as I'd get after eBay fees its yours!
  21. I feel like whoever takes it should donate back to the forum or some form of charity? And not resell it!
  22. You sure its not a sex toy? Does it make buzzing noises when fitted?
  23. Now listed on eBay. Don't want to pay those stupid 10% fees, so grab yourself a bargain people!
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