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About SherlockH

  • Birthday 16/02/1989


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  1. Interested in this also, I prefer next month as I've spent all my money on car parts this month
  2. Spotted this afternoon around 4pm(ish) Anyone's on here ?
  3. Was sat in the misses blue Lexus as you passed us by
  4. I have an Aerokit Rear bumper figment was reasonably good, the body shop did need to do a little work to it to get it to sit right with no gaps and to accommodate my massive single exit. When it turned up my expectations weren't really met, as it didn't have any fixings/ fittings attached to it. It's definitely a body shop job. I'll see if I have any photos around from when it landed, don't remember taking any but I'll have a look
  5. I drove past you on the way to work this morning, you looked I waved, you looked confused 😂 haha. I was in the Black 350z
  6. So here as a few of the bits and bobs ordered off eBay Also ordered some Mini D2S Projectors which are 2.5" same size as the original, i would have kept the original Projectors that came with the headlight only they were mini H1 and I wanted to use the OEM ballasts are I can interchange them with my OEM headlights should these not be MOT Legal So moving on it's time to open up the headlights, which I was dreading as I didn't know weather to bake them in the oven or use a heat gun, they barely fitted in my oven and I was worried the metal in the oven would melt the plastics so I went with the heat gun option so I didn't ruin them. This is the same route hodaka took so thought I'd follow suit. Finally got them open, thought it would be a 15/30 minute job, oo what a shock I got. Took me an hour and a half to get one to fully separate, so I've got a friend to help me do the other one tomorrow. The 2 Halos are different sizes one is 90mm OD and the other is 80mm OD. Another hurdle I've ran into is the mini D2S Projectors I ordered won't be in stock for another 2/3weeks so looking at somewhere else to get them from while I order a new set of Halos. Will probably go with the Morimoto XBT Halos as I can control them via Bluetooth on my head unit same as the XKglow Demon Eyes.
  7. So I decided to order some Spec-D / Junyan Headlights for the Zed as one of mine headlights stopped working due to the ballast dieing and the other had overspray on. In another post I mentioned about getting some XKglow headlight bulbs and seeing if they would work, but I'm just going to do something similar the hodaka. So here's the headlights packaged And the instructions (not that they're any use) And finally here they are: Problem is they come with a 6 PIN connector but luckily there is a pair of 350z 8PIN headlight harnesses on eBay think the seller is P15ULT (just waiting on them arriving) I think these headlights are pretty well built in my opinion, only gripe is that the wiring is a bit of a mess so looking forward to rewiring them and putting some heatshrink on the clear up the mess, bonus is they have a recess and mounting points for a matsushita (350Z) Ballast on the bottom, so rather then order Morimoto ballasts and bulbs I've ordered some Gen V Matsushita ballasts to fit in the original mounting area. Will need to pot these to make sure they're 100% waterproof. So I got to work de-pinning the connector ready for the new one. Voila Started disconnecting the cables Blue Cable is the Low Beam +be Red is the High Beam +ve Black is the Xenon -ve In the middle is the LEDs White cable is for the sidelights +ve Black is the common -ve Bottom is the Indicator with Halos Spliced in Yellow cable is for the Indicator +ve Finally all Stripped clear of wires apart from the Halos which I'll remove once I open the headlights.
  8. Might sound like a daft question, but having a heated rear window, does that not affect the tint ?
  9. Spotted Saturday the 6th of May, parked a couple of spaces down from mine ? Anyone's on here
  10. Yes I'm also interested is this, will it be available for people who own a Rev-up model ? What's the cost of this ?
  11. Haha I'm on the ale aswell, forgive me if I look like @*!# and not conversationist tomorrow/today I'll be working off my hangover might run a little late too dependshow long it takes to get a shower in the mornjnc
  12. Erm... Do our cars have to be in a presentable state ? As mine sort of has a cracked front bumper and my new bumper won't be sprayed in time ?
  13. So I am looking at putting a 1JZ GTE VVTi in my 350, and I've decided a wiringspecialties Harness would be best as it keeps the OEM guages and tach, and also keeps the CANbus system. I've emailed regarding the cruise control, throttle body and traction control, to which I got the answer. The 1JZ ECU would work with the 1JZ ECTSi dbw throttle body but would need a standalone for the VQ35 throttle body. I plan on running a full standalone (AEM Infinity 6) further down the line but to keep costs down at the start I'd like to just use the 1JZ OEM ECU. Now it's just occurred to me, by running a 1JZ ECU will it effect the NATS and door locks and ignition barrel ? As I'd like to keep this system if possible. Also does anyone know if the body harness control module will be affected ? I've looked through the service manual for the 350Z ECU but can't find any pinouts that feed the body harness ? So I'm guessing it's just a seperate module. I was looking at the Syvecs 6GP ECU for this swap but it's damned expensive but I hear you can keep the traction control with it? I seem to be having trouble getting my head around what feeds what, and how to remedy such problems as; A) Keeping the traction control & ESC. Keeping the A/C C) Keeping the Cruise control D) Keeping the NATS Like I say I'm still in the planning stage, I've figured out how to get it all to mechanically line up, just not understanding the full electrics picture here. So hopefully maybe someone in the know could help me understand or point me in the right direction. Hopefully the likes of Abby/Horsham/Ian/Adamski. Basically the goal is to keep as much Nissan OEM circuitry as possible. There seems to be very limited information on the swap ive trawled through the internet as much as I can and haven't found any definitive answers info.
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