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  1. Adam, Already PM'd I think?
  2. Yep! Still have them. Its for a grey HR - not sure if it fits the facelift.
  3. I'm off to the post office in 15 mins so if you pay me now (fostere@aston.ac.uk) on paypal I can ship today. If you aren't sending as a gift, make it £28 to cover fees please.
  4. http://www.theboombopshop.com/Rays-Engineering-35mm-Lug-Nuts-M12xP1-25-Black-p/w3512125b.htm Yeah, they are these ones. I bought them from a previous forum member. They don't have the key but can be fitted with a universal socket. The price more than reflects this.
  5. http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah87/fostere3/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20160607_165249_zpsewuq6oub.jpg Zoom in to the wheels!
  6. There is a duplicate for sale post, please feel free to remove one of them. Must have clicked it twice.
  7. Parts removed when fitting a Zunsport. I was too lazy to replace before PXing Very good condition. I'll throw in paint, coloured wax and scratch remover for nothing (as it's the same colour!) £35 delivered. £30 collected. Birmingham All screws are included. http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah87/fostere3/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20160627_131529_zpsrvtuztg4.jpg
  8. A little tatty, hence the price. All 20 are included. £25 posted or £20 collected from Birmingham. http://i1378.photobu...zpsok6zo5le.jpg
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