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Everything posted by Juggalo

  1. Juggalo

    DIY Vinyl Wrap

    What's the going rate for wrapping a Z anyway?
  2. Thanks for the clutch line Ewen. Fast delivery. Will be back for more stuff for sure
  3. Mine did the same only in first gear. Took it to the Gearbox centre and they stripped it. Gearbox was beyond economical repair, so had to buy another. Hope yours isn't that bad.
  4. Hmm, aaah, not really looking to downgrade to a beamer at the moment. Good luck though!
  5. OPEC wanted to drop production lat year to stabilise the price of oil (to you and me, it was about 128 a litre.) Russia said no, as they depended on high production because of the state of their economy. So over production, increased shale production in the USA, less demand from the USA, and now the China economy is hitting consumers there, so again, less demand.
  6. The ego of the man knows no bounds. Thankfully, the US President has limited power. It'd be a dead in the water Presidency.
  7. There's a known issue with the fuel gauge that some people encounter. Sure it's not that?
  8. Juggalo

    DIY Vinyl Wrap

    Would you have to tell the DVLA/Insurance that you've changed colour, or is that for permanent changes only?
  9. Juggalo

    DIY Vinyl Wrap

    Hats off to you for trying, most people would take a pass on that.
  10. I believe it's on a permanent live, so leave it long enough and it will drain the battery. Bummer, are there any which do turn off? I couldn't say for sure and can only go off of the couple I've tried, I think they're designed that way. In my very limited experience, when I kill the ignition the bluetooth/wifi connection doesn't drop, so can only assume that's because it's still hot. I'm guess someone with some electrical brains could fit an inline switch for the OBD2 port, so you could manually turn it off without disconnecting the device but I don't think I've seen it done on here. Any reason why you want to leave it in all the time, mine fits nicely into the ashtray/coin holder when out of use. That's a shame, it can't be that hard to make something that turns off or goes to stand by when the engine is off?The reason I want to leave it in all the time is just pure laziness, I would have thought that technology can worry about whether the adapter is sending a signal or not so I don't have to. I looked into this last night and it seems that Stu's right, it's always live, but there's many people that leave the OBD reader plugged in(on other makes) - some over a couple of years or so, with no negative effect. Try it for a week - I reckon you'll be ok.
  11. I'll defer to SuperStu. I've only ever used OBD as an when I need it.
  12. Gorgeous black 370Z heading towards Deeside. First time I've seen one in real life. Hope I didn't show you up in my 350Z Roadster...clearly the better car
  13. He is a business you do know that right? Course I do, and that makes it worse. They should be able to get the price cheaper than we can as they're buying in bulk. Ship them cheaper, and VAT free, being a business. So why the vastly inflated price? It's a clear rip off when I can buy one unit and import it cheaper than a UK supplier. Too many parts suppliers run the same scam in this country, replacing the $ with the £ and sit there with a straight face like it's totally legit. Plain greed.
  14. Tarmac sell them. Unfortunately they've replaced the $1,665 sign with a £1,665 sign, so they're comically expensive. It's actually far cheaper to have Motordyne ship one over for ~80 + customs.
  15. Apparently this one works, Re: This thread http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3383b63781
  16. Ekona is spot on, the Sale of Goods Act covers you. Warranties mean absolutely nothing. http://www.lawgistics.co.uk/legal-article-warranty/motor-trade-warranty-guarantee-service-contract/what-are-the-customers-legal-rights-when-buying-a-used-car Personally I'd reject the car. Send a letter recorded delivery stating that you reject the car as per the SOGA, as it has a serious mechanical fault, and that you will return the car on XYZ date. Get your money back. if they refuse, open a case with MCOL. It's a slam dunk case, you'll get your money back and costs.
  17. This is pretty interesting
  18. I'm not well up on Superchargers, but looking at similar problems affecting Mercs, it's down to the cooling being inadequate. May help, may not.
  19. Seems a lot of hassle to build a semi effective enclosure. And metal too...like an oven, getting hotter with each mile. Buy a carbon fibre one off ebay for 50 quid and adapt it to the Zeds intakes.
  20. Juggalo

    My Z

  21. Juggalo

    Near Ruthin

    From the album: My Z

  22. I'm down there 4 or 5 times a week, park up either close to the recycling depot or the click and collect parking area, never had any problems. Can't think of anyone around here who is in the club who has a blue 370 or 350, however Caroline sees a blue 350Z on her way to work in Mold on a fairly regular basis. Pete Flat Dark Blue too. Midnight blue is it? Only Zed I see around Mold, aside from mine, is a dark silver Roadster HR
  23. I don't think it's the guns that are the problem necessarily, ...personally I think there is something wrong psychologically with so many of the American people that it is that which is the greater problem. I mean literally so many of them seemingly to have no empathy or compassion towards their fellow human beings & their own lives. Imo they will never ban guns in America and even if they did with the millions of unregistered & illegally owned guns they could never eradicate them all from existence. It's got to be said though that in some instances people having a gun to hand can save lives so probably better for the American public to have free access to guns if that's what they want with so many guns being in the hands of criminals, gang members, rapists, murderers etc etc, at least it gives some of the "decent" population a chance to fight back against the nutters should they be attacked. RIP Adam Ward & Alison Parker. Agree 100%. It's a cultural thing, not a gun thing. Switzerland, Serbia, Saudi, etc have loads of guns per capita, but they don't kill each other anything like the Americans do. Even the police do it over there. Watch Liveleak for as long as I have, and the police are so quick to pull a gun and fire, it's ridiculous. Just cold blooded murder in many cases.
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