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Everything posted by Juggalo

  1. That's awesome. Would love to see a vid. Is it a custom build or a kit?
  2. They're big expensive cars to run, not renault clios. Mines had 6. It's mint condition and never a problem.
  3. Looking for an old Android you might have lying around. Galaxy S2 or something, as long as it works. My Xperia is goosed and I can't be bothered repairing it a 3rd time. Cheap as possible though.
  4. How one guy abused this gorgeous vehicle... Courtesy of Barryboys
  5. 84 days of 8 hour shifts. That would be a hell of a hefty bill to make it worth your while. Impressive skills. Terrible paint jobs though.
  6. Very nice choice, I do love that shape. 10/10 good choice.
  7. Must be what saved my ass last week in on the Runcorn slip road onto the M56. Very tight bend, wet, back end flipped out, then it kind of just gripped and righted itself. Cool.
  8. When SD cards are manufactured they inevitably have failed sectors. This is why when you put a 4GB card into your PC it may read 3.89GB or some such, the 0.11GB represents the dead stuff. That's not actually true. Manufacturers use 1000MB = 1GB. Windows uses 1024 = 1GB. Put the same HDD in a Mac and you would see 1000MB = 1GB because Apple updated their OS to show the manufacturers quota.
  9. Juggalo

    Audi S5

    Zero road presence at all simply because all audis look the same, and every other car is an audi. Will automatically be labeled a ****; sorry, but it's true. +1 to the idea of a Porsche. Personally, I'd go Maserati. What's the budget?
  10. I don't mean to be flippant or comical, but I suffered with it for 10 years, pretty badly. Took all sorts of tablets for it. Despite being close, and her being supportive, I eventually ended my marriage over other non related issues, and bam, my depression cleared. Never been happier in my life. Sometimes the cause is right under your nose.
  11. We had the whole tensioner assembly off as the bottom 'tongs' the bolt sits in were bent. We checked the travel of the pulley wheel while we were at it and everything seemed smooth. So unless we were missing something then there was just no way we could take enough slack out of the belt for it to work correctly. I'll give it another look the next time it needs some belts, but being done just a few months ago it won't be for a while. Won't be that then. Wrong belt? I ordered these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290728783837?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  12. The tensioner can stick along it's guide rail I found. I had to grease mine to make it smooth. Push the tensioner up as far as it will go with your hand, then slightly nip it up to grip the rail.
  13. Nice How2. Did mine yesterday and what a huge difference. Once I changed the belts and regreased the tensioner bearings, the engine went so quiet! I didn't realise how much noise the tensioners make when they're dry. I just got used to it from when I bought it last year...and even then I thought it was quiet.
  14. According to the Whois lookup it's run by the same people who run this site http://www.allcarpartsfast.co.uk/ And run from this garage by a guy called Reg Aldridge. https://www.google.c...18!4d-2.1171038
  15. Juggalo


    Cheers guys I've passed it along, He's going to look into that. That sounds similar to what's happening to his Zed. Disabling the ABS doesn't sound to clever to me in these things though
  16. Juggalo


    So my son has bought an early 350Z after being impressed with mine. However, he intends to strip, lightly mod and track it. We drove down to his storage yard, and he tried to do a burnout, but couldn't. The power just drops, and a smell of clutch even with the TC off. I had a go in it and the clutch is very good. Bites where it should, etc. Any idea what could be the cause? I won't even think of doing it in mine, so I can't even suggest if this is an issue with his particular car or if it's a safety feature.
  17. Looks like the ads been pulled
  18. Take redundancy, if it's due. Spend several K on training to be an Auto Electrical mechanic. Article on Radio 4 last week on how the industry is going to boom, and there's a huge shortage of trained techs. They do training courses. Basic to advanced. Make hay while the sun shines and kill two birds with one stone.
  19. I think it's the only combo isn't it? I can't think of any other colour that goes with yellow. Maybe White.
  20. Ssssh! we don't want the southerners up here driving prices up!
  21. Post 14 http://www.350z-uk.com/index.php?showtopic=13960
  22. £47.94 delivered for the DE. Cheapest on the net as far as I can see. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NGK-6240-SPARK-PLUG-PLFR5A-11-FOR-CITROEN-NISSAN-PEUGEOT-RENAULT-/261421538090?hash=item3cddf01b2a:g:hQAAAMXQRPRTICmE
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