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Everything posted by gimmeaclue

  1. Conclusion. Problem solved, oil pressure reads zero until the engine is switched on, increased to 70 when fired up and as the car warmed through on idle lowered to 30ish. I bought my new OEM sensor from Clarke Motorsport Bank holiday Monday evening. It arrived on Wednesday and at £86 was £42 cheaper than Nissan and super fast delivery, so a big thanks. Thanks to everyone who helped diagnose the problem on this thread and for the advice where to purchase. Anyone can fit one of these the hardest (most time consuming) part was removing the under tray. Had a new K+N oil filter and some Motul from Opie oils so I did an oil change at the same time, worth doing as your in that neck of the woods.
  2. after reading about some of these cheap ones failing and dumping out vast quantities of the oil I think Oem from the dealer is my safest option too. How much did you pay if you dont mind me asking?
  3. Next question, does anyone know somewhere that stocks these sensors, All i am getting at the moment is american sites. Edit. There are two different types for sale in rock auto, I know the engines changed between 04 and 07 will the sensor still be the same http://www.rockauto.co.uk/catalog/raframecatalog.php?carcode=1437463&parttype=4588&ck[iD]=0&ck[idlist]=0&ck[viewcurrency]=GBP&ck[php_SESSION_ID]=hvpd178fhbc3o5dctadai6m4f7
  4. So a 120psi start could be normal. How about 120psi idle after 10 minutes of driving? Not long enough to warm the oil to a lower viscosity perhaps? Don't really want to be changing £80 sensors for no reason. As I stated I have no point of reference for a normal psi range having only completed 1 drive in the car. Guess I will do an oil change so I know that it has the correct quantity and grade of oil. I'l give it a quick run around and see if the psi will revert to 60/70 range. If not I will change the sensor next. Many thanks everybody.
  5. So I have managed to Bork the car after 1 drive . Any preferred shops/dealers where I can order a sensor? and thanks for the help, I read the other thread linked and now realise i've just asked one of 'those' questions. I'l do an oil change tomorrow so at least i know how much is in there with some certainty. I'l have to learn how to read dipstick at some point or I will have the cleanest engine oil in Britain.
  6. so straight to 120 and off the scale immediately after startup (no throttle) sounds like an issue then.
  7. Will do that first thing tomorrow. Whats normal psi reading range on startup?
  8. Hi, sorry for starting my first thread with a problem but i could do with some advice. Yesterday i bought my first 350z - 04, 66k miles, fsh but not with nissan. Test drove the car and all was seemingly well, smooth sounding, good gear changes etc... I drove home yesterday evening, a four hour trip and the car was faultless. I noticed the oil pressure gauge after about an hours driving was saying 60psi, this would rise to 70psi on quicker dual carriageway stretches. This morning I checked fluids and to my horror found a lack of oil showing on the dipstick. I added a litre and it seemingly made no difference to my dip stick reading leading me to believe the dipstick is useless. Can you have a faulty dipstick? On starting the car oil pressure now shows nearly full 120psi. When i turn the key to arm the electronics before ignition it reads approximately 70psi. I dont know what it said at start-up yesterday as i didn't clock it on the test drive What should it read on start up? as it was 70 psi under load i figured I have overfilled the oil for it to idle at 120psi but the dipstick seems to show anywhere between 1cm under minimum and 1.5cm over maximum so again no help. Figuring I had over filled I removed 1ltr of oil, Restarting the car shows no difference PSI 120 even off the gauge, if anything worse than before i removed oil. I don't want to keep starting the car as I have no idea what my oil level is and I figured removing 1ltr would have lowered pressure regardless but it hasn't. Car runs fine with no noises of any kind, no smoke and no noticeable leaks. Any ideas??? All help gratefully appreciated.
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