Hi all
Put down a deposit for this baby, thought it would be madness not to check with you guys first but I think it's a decent
Went to see it and i'm feeling pretty confident but I have a few niggling doubts, if anyone could put my mind at rest
that would be great!
I checked the tyres, 2 new Dunlop's on the front 2 obscure brand tyres on the rear. I wasn't born yesterday but is
excessive revving and sideways-ness to be concerned about?
The drivers seat looks a little trashed on the side nearest the door, is this common? The car only has 65000 miles which
seems verified by vosa which puts my mind at rest about fiddling.
It missed 2006 by a month or so, it's the 276 BHP version - am I missing out on a great deal? Is it worth the extra £250
road tax?
Thanks in advance guys, looking forward to ownership and membership!