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  1. Thanks for you feedback guys, yeah I'm starting to think that youtube has it well and truly nailed!
  2. I'm interested to see what your go-to video site is when you must absolutely see some action? I'm keen to develop my own site and want to know what some of the more established sites look like! You can check my progress out using my sig.
  3. Who's in? Anyone know of a way to create a team or league or something? gamertag is: alexfergs
  4. Further to my previous post, Not sure if you can see, but it's a 60+ year old lady.
  5. Haha I'm in a place called Chalus just South of Limoges Not quite 2000 miles but it certainly took a hell of a while! The French roads are very aggresive it seems, had lot's of Picasso's tailgating me within about a meter of my bumper!
  6. Ok well I ran the Zed for 8 hours at ~100 mph absolutely no problems. The last 2 hours of my journey were coutry roads... I think i might need to invest in drilled disks. The brakes took an absolute hammering! Alex
  7. Hi guys About to do my very first long journey ~7 hours in my Zed Is there anything I can do to prepare the car before hand? Or anything I should be wary of? Many thanks Alex
  8. alexfergs

    Gunmetal Rays

    As the title says, i'm easy with condition provided they aren't trashed. Tyres optional. I'm willing to travel!
  9. Looks like C to me, but I haven't used C in a while... This is Java! You guys are building your own CMS backend, that's brave! If you need anyone to QA your parts delivery system let me know!
  10. I want to buy some Rays! PM me if you have some!

  11. alexfergs


    How did you know you need a new clutch? I'm a bit worried that mine is on the way out, what are the symptoms (Stock clutch)
  12. Well I'd ideally like to exploit the best of both worlds, the benefit of these racks are that you can keep them in the boot incase you're caught short. I enjoy Zed ownership too much to sell out anyway!
  13. Well it's for a holiday in France, I want to be able to lug back a load of booze and any clothes I might need. So i'd be happy with just a bag on there, the sea sucker looks pretty interesting, it's quite a bit cheaper too!
  14. Since the Boofsquire people have stopped selling, I've been tempted to look into these: http://www.handiworld.com/handirack-94/handirack.html Has anyone had any experience with these? The amazon reviews are generally high (4.5 Stars) but there have been some people saying that it scratches the paintwork and allows water to seep in through the straps. Was hoping somebody might be able to give me a thumbs up before I spunk £100, if not I'll be writing up a review!
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