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Everything posted by -G-

  1. Shocking, frankly. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-35472617 Curious they can issue convictions & fines for Gatso evidence but not for hit and runs. Would they have gotten away with it if the cyclist had died? So wrong.
  2. I have a PS4 and bought the last of us remastered. Looks awesome but won't start it until F4, dying light and ESO are done with
  3. Im a massive zombie fan, and got this on PS4 as soon as it came out. when you get into it and level up, it becomes a whole different game..but still dont bother going out at night Those volatiles and that crazy UV-reactive freaks are mental. Already "cheesed" by murdering my way to an assault rifle with 100 rounds of ammo but it's still hard as hell trying to get away from them. Should have unlocked all the safe zones during the first mission! Got that korek machete blueprint but not enough alcohol to build it
  4. Started playing Dying Light on Xbone. Always wanted a zombie holocaust MMORPG in the same vein as Fallout 3\4 - not exactly the same but still, early days.
  5. Welcome to the forum. Aberdeen & shire has a few zed heads on here so keep your eyes peeled for local meets. ZeppoJeff is our resident organiser :-)
  6. I'm a full blooded geek. Autobots insignia? More power to you. Couldn't give a PHuck if it's a symbol that's been appropriated by Ned's like Burberry was. Your car, your @*!#. Let the haters froth.
  7. I'm not a skyline fanboi, because mines & tommyk did a line of Toyotas, Mitsubishis, Suzuki's, own-builds (lookup Zz1 & Zz2). These cars were the pinnacle of non-standard perfection. All I'm suggesting is a brief period of ownership of an illustrious tuner-built car that would provide more in respect of experience & bragging rights than an M3, Porsche GT or other mass produced sports car will. Its your money man, only reason I didn't buy a TK zz2 or Mines built car is because the 380 came up first. :-) Happy hunting
  8. So wrong Bodyboarder. Tommy Kaira were one of the few companies licensed by Nissan and others to BUILD their own specification of JDM sportscars. MINES is another. Owning one of these is a MASSIVE deal - it's proper unicorn stuff.
  9. If you can stretch another £5k I have a car that is super desirable, rare as rocking horse @*!# and importantly won't depreciate in value at all IMO. http://www.harlow-jap-autos.co.uk/HJA115.html £40,000 OTR and I defy anyone to find another in the UK for sale.
  10. Sure our standard of living has nothing to do with the extra fuel duty tax then the tax on the fuel duty tax they tax us with. Of course it does... Got to pay for all the public services somehow! Making sure companies pay the correct levels of tax would do that, as would bringing the minimum wage up to the real living wage. Motorists are and always have been an easy target for the government. Far harder to make the likes of starbucks, amazon & Google stump up what they actually owe. In direct response to the OPs question. Production, refining and transport\vendor charges are around 25% of the cost of fuel. The other 75% is a mixture of Duty & VAT.
  11. Flooring not an issue. Concrete throughout.
  12. The garage is in a large hollow structure with 6 individual garage bays partitioned with wooden joists & wire mesh from floor to ceiling. I can't access anyone else's bay and they can't access mine. Hope that clears up any confusion.
  13. Hey guys, I recently secured a lock-up for my new zed and wondered if anyone had any advice for me prior to decking it out. I've gotten some plush carpet for the walls (which are actually made of chicken-wire) & gotten hold of an old double mattress which I plan on mounting at the rear of the garage to prevent any dunt's while reversing. Anyone else give me any further advice? It doesn't have running water or electricity.
  14. Car was subject to "aggravated taking" or whatever the legal nomenclature is for a thieving pikey tw@ these days. Book = thrown.
  15. Was away to say - that's not a vs Rex..
  16. Between this and the woman from the village I grew up in getting caught keying an X5 on CCTV its been a week of wonder. I don't particularly like the idea of being surveiled constantly but you'd think the halfwits of the world would know what the internet & technology have done for catching criminality. Cat-bin lady anyone?
  17. It's pretty shocking so advisory on watching it. http://m.huffpost.com/uk/entry/9076664 Basically, some tool in a fiat 500 doing well over 60mph wiped a fella out and left him for dead. Anyone who recognises the car give the old bill a shout. Nobody needs clowns like this on the road.
  18. I like the look of that RX7. As JP said, excellent quality build.
  19. Ill-fitting Veilside kit. Look at the gap between the pre-facelift bonnet and the front end. Hideous.
  20. I am NOT a fan of what's been done to this car but curious to know if anyone would pay £13k for this. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201601180182158
  21. Technically its a 380RS pedal - the other nismo zeds didn't come with these AFAIK.
  22. I jumped from a VVTi celica to an 03 JDM about 2 years ago - a gulf in driving experience I'm sure you'll agree - welcome to the forum :-)
  23. I'd sooner have a FLZ432.
  24. Much prefer the door handles in black on a black car :-)
  25. It's giving you the correct order on which to attach the electrodes. Sparks can theoretically ignite hydrogen gas created by the ionization of battery fluids (hydrolysis) and cause injury - all they are doing is saving themselves from litigation if you hurt yourself.
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