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Everything posted by -G-

  1. Nasty - how did that happen? Were you wearing something with metal buttons?
  2. Get your signature fixed . Happy now?
  3. You mean the "angry pigeons" sound?
  4. Autech is Japan only. Front bumper sells for £700 but shipping is £500. https://www.japanparts.com/parts/detail/39216 That said, these are going to be that rare you'll never get hold of one from anywhere else.
  5. I assumed the 380RS was full nismo V3 - the front is actually autech
  6. Get your signature fixed I will, but technically its my daily now haha!
  7. EBay has a version of sorts. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=151932109734&alt=web Be warned it might not be top quality but for under £300 it's a tradeoff
  8. You're on about the V3 with the reflector recesses yeah? As opposed to this one
  9. Poor old Bernie, stuck in a timewarp! http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/36086363
  10. Welcome to the forum, Interesting choice considering the G37 variant with the same engine is available in the UK - any reason in particular you opted to import a 370GT? I'm not criticizing, I think its a great move :-)
  11. Hahaha that has to be Mark - he's my long suffering friend, colleague & bearded rock-god He puts up with a lot being friends with me...
  12. By popular demand! Apologies for the **** poor visuals, I removed the initial film protecting the front of the cam but missed the one on the lens - doh!
  13. On the way back up from picking up the new Zed, my friend & I witnessed some utterly ridiculous weaving in and out by a wee ned in a red focus as we were transitioning through Dundee. We gave him a wide berth, got seperated by the lights on the Aberdeen turn off and he disappeared never to be seen again... Until I spotted the wee knobber about 15 miles out of Dundee on the road to Aberdeen, STILL driving like an absolute **** and as I wasn't interested in messing about with him, took off leaving him standing still. Anyone who knows that Road will remember the speed limit drops sharply from 70 to 50 with a Gatso speed Camera as you get near the Montrose junction - needless to say, while I slowed down for the limit and the Camera - numb nuts was so hell bent on catching up on me he flew past at what was probably a good bit north of 80 mph Flash, Flash - License gone & I caught the whole episode on my dash cam - Honestly - was such such an awesome drive back up!
  14. Cool - do you remember what actually comes cable-wise? There's an HDMI output and two USBs on the AVIC F70 DAB I have - are the HDMI and USB cables supplied?
  15. Hardly the most technical question I'll ever ask, but what length of usb cables do folk use for their Head-unit USB connections (presuming you're using the rear ports on the head unit to keep your cockpit looking tidy I've opted to go for a flat-micro USB cable and a usb 3.0 extender to offer up future connectivity without having to revisit removal of the head-unit - i'm curious to know who else has fed cables back as far as the rear armrest and what length of cable you used (if you can remember) Cheers
  16. Do you have any photo's of aforementioned rot-box? Could do with a laugh.
  17. No Nismo edition Z33's were built until 2005. If it's a 53 plate it is not a Nismo.
  18. -G-


    No difference that you would notice. Both fuels are designed for higher output engines so fill your boots with whichever is closer \ more readily available.
  19. I used to smoke Cuban Cigars steady when I worked out of Africa, cheap as shite at the duty free but it's fallen by the wayside since we've had so many shitey summers. Still have boxes of cohiba and my personal favourite, Romeo Y Julietta somewhere If we get a decent meet out the road at Portree or Applecross this summer I'll bring some along James ;-)
  20. -G-


    It's not selfish to not have kids. It's selfish to have kids and not look after them properly. In its most fatalistic sense, the point of life is to pass on your genetic information before the "programmed obselesence" of evolution kills you off. In the philosophical sense, you get one chance at life and at happiness so do what you like with what time you have. Kids change people, mostly for the better but occasionally there are people who will continue to be arseholes long after they've sired offspring. There are also people who will never have kids and be better \ no better for it. We live in an era where we don't need to have kids in order for someone to look after us in our dotage & attitudes are changing to accept that some people just don't want children and will never have them. There's no shortage of children in the world, therefore no biological imperative to maintain the populace. Just my tuppence.
  21. -G-


    Isn't the fuel issue about predetonation? Lower RON fuels combust quicker than is desirable for higher reving \ temperature engines - RON 97 etc are far more stable at higher temperatures. Either way, the 350z manual says to use RON 96 so use that or better.
  22. I expect some of you will know what I'm on about before you read this but what the eff is up with Holywood? It was bad enough the Oscars was a whitewashed shambles this year but casting ScarJo as the titular heroine in this has totally hacked me off. To make it worse, they've completely removed all reference to the character Motoko Kusanagi and instead it'll just be "The Major" Beginning to see why so many people accuse the yanks of willfully appropriating other cultures, hard to see this as anything else.
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