On the way back up from picking up the new Zed, my friend & I witnessed some utterly ridiculous weaving in and out by a wee ned in a red focus as we were transitioning through Dundee. We gave him a wide berth, got seperated by the lights on the Aberdeen turn off and he disappeared never to be seen again...
Until I spotted the wee knobber about 15 miles out of Dundee on the road to Aberdeen, STILL driving like an absolute **** and as I wasn't interested in messing about with him, took off leaving him standing still.
Anyone who knows that Road will remember the speed limit drops sharply from 70 to 50 with a Gatso speed Camera as you get near the Montrose junction - needless to say, while I slowed down for the limit and the Camera - numb nuts was so hell bent on catching up on me he flew past at what was probably a good bit north of 80 mph
Flash, Flash - License gone & I caught the whole episode on my dash cam - Honestly - was such such an awesome drive back up!