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Posts posted by BobbyZ

  1. Express mock outrage on the internet all you want - nearly every person only cares about themselves, and that's why people will always die at the hands of Hypocrisy is the only thing I truly despise :)

    ple, in the name of religion or whatever else.


    What absolute horseshit, have quick look on here for threads asking for help and the responses they get from advice to other members viewing cars at opposite ends of the country, all for free and with no expectation of reward or return. There's plenty of other threads about sick relatives, charity efforts, money raising and this place is just a car forum.


    If you only care about yourself, that's fine, but dont pretend to yourslef you're like that because everyone else is and that it's ok.


    fair enough - I'm very conscious of the fact that there are better people in the world than me. It's just that the ratio of people that like to sound like good people vs the people that would actually commit a selfless act to help someone else is, in my experience, very high. Hypocrisy is the only thing I really despise :)


    EDIT: due to retarded phone

  2. when i was forum lurking last year i discovered the zed has magical properties that attracts other cars making them park next to it. even when at the far side of the car park at quiet times where there are tons of slots next to the entrance. the only known cure is to find another sexeh car and group up with it. strength in numbers and all that combined with knowing the other driver will be just as careful with his door as you are


    Yeah I always try to park next to another nice car which looks cared for :)

  3. For me as a new owner, my priorities are lighter wheels (currently have the GT4s which look good but are heavy), coilovers and some minor brake mods. Everyone has different priorities though, and it's a great car as standard IMO. Don't know about weak clutches, but for in that respect I'd never buy a car which had dodgy feeling transmission.

  4. Had mine done with just panel filters and standard exhaust. Overall lost 1bhp.


    Obviously the argument is that the overall shape of the graph is better, but it's nothing I can feel. Win some, lose some.


    In your case general consensus is that you should get it done so that your exhaust mods are optimised.


    Sounds like a pretty poor deal when you put it like that!

  5. Looks great Bobby. B):)

    Thanks mate :)

    Looking lovely Bobby. Some LMGT4's sold only just yesturday, they don't come up for sale very often, think that was only the second pair sold in well over a year !

    Yeah I saw the 19s that went up for a grand or so... was thiiiiis close to going for them :D No rush though, I'm happy to wait for the right ones :)

  6. Just thought I'd update this quickly - I haven't done anything that warrants a build log, but have added a stubby and cargo net. Also picked up some great detailing tips here :). Amazed actually that she looks so shiny in this pic - sadly not quite so great close up in real life as I haven't washed her in a couple of weeks...


    Planned mods having owned the z a little while are coilovers, braided brake hoses and lighter wheels - hopefully LMGT4s if I can find the right ones (don't want to use spacers hopefully).




    Still feel I absolutely made the right choice of car :D


    Looking forward to the Woodman meet in a week!

  7. I'm up for this - will be my first meet! Looking forward to meeting you all and seeing all those lovely zeds :D







    Steel Lynx-Food



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