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Everything posted by BobbyZ

  1. Yeah I'm with you... I just don't see it happening. I'd love to be proved wrong though!
  2. While I don't doubt that the stuff about the Russians is true, I feel like they'll be made a scapegoat of, then the sport's wider doping and corruption issues will be swept under the rug. As an ex-cycling fan, I've seen it all before and I'm hugely cynical about professional sports as a result.
  3. Looks great can't wait to get mine fitted! I also have a blowing OEM at the mo...
  4. He also damaged my last car by deciding to stand on the bonnet He sounds like an idiot.
  5. Fair play mate - he'd exhausted the other options so I think you did the right thing
  6. Thank god... I thought I was going to have to do that
  7. Slap your colleague as well - I'd go mental if someone did that to my car
  8. I guess so. My point was more to do with the fact that they chose to put them that way round in the first place...
  9. I have to say I've thought some of Aston's efforts over the last few years have been overrated, but that is a very good looking car. I reckon the wheels would look better if they switched sides though, so the spokes were swept back
  10. Hi Mark, my tyres (Avon ZZ-3) are a bit knackered, so I guess that might explain it. I'll review once I've got the new wheels and tyres fitted, thanks.
  11. Are there any changes that can be made to reduce tramlining under braking, but not reducing agility? It's the one handling trait of my z that I'm not crazy about (probably won't help that I'm fitting 9.5/10.5" wheels soon ).
  12. Abbey Motorsport in Oxted are highly recommended
  13. Haha fair enough - well at least your ride will be nice and comfy Leave a bit of a margin through speed cameras though, because your rolling radius will be up a bit! Nice motor anyway
  14. I thought it looked a bit off. How the hell does that happen though?
  15. No wonder the sidewalls are huge then. You know the profile is a percentage of the width, right?
  16. What width are the tyres? You said they were 45 profile which is same as standard, but surely these tyres are much wider than standard...
  17. I think the Lexus and the Mazda look nicer
  18. Do cars really lose that much power? I guess it depends on mileage and how well it's been looked after. Either way, I'm pretty sure the increase in premiums is down to the greater chance of you being a bit of a hooligan if you mod your car. Not always fair, but far from 100% false either..
  19. Yes I've seen bigger tools Bit of a div, but nothing I'll lose any sleep over TBH.
  20. Pretty sweet motor. I need to get me some splash guards
  21. Hi and welcome... best colour of zed
  22. As long as the money's decent, I'll do it
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