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Everything posted by BobbyZ

  1. Double post... Might as well add that I agree that the 350 is much nicer looking than the 370 as well
  2. I actually drove up to Leeds (in a Caterham...) when I was looking for mine, to view a nice Midnight Blue (I think that's what it's called) HR with all the trimmings. It looked really nice from what I saw and the price was about right, but the dealer was a dick (wouldn't let me test drive it unless I bought it and was clearly looking to talk me into bad p/x deal), so I jumped back in the 7 and trundled back down south. Seems like HRs and dealers don't mix well!
  3. "Some kerbing" There's more bloody kerbing than wheel there. I'd presonally steer clear of anything in that state in case the damage is more than cosmetic, but I'm no expert. Nice looking rims though, and I really like the look of some of the finishes on the Cosmis rims.
  4. Should we place bets on where the stash is? I'll put a tenner on the sunglasses holder
  5. Maybe you're right. Still, by your criteria, I'm pretty sure that makes literally almost everyone a total bellend, because if what you say is true then that's easy money that I can't imagine many would walk away from
  6. Haha, no need to mince your words I think you're probably being a bit harsh there, and probably knowingly also. If he really wasn't up for it, I suspect he'd have been binned by now. I don't get the impression that Ferrari are the kind of team to have someone just hang around on the payroll for a few years.
  7. Dan, I reckon a few long term fans will leave, but most will probably keep watching and moan about the new rules on some car forum that Bernie doesn't care about. Getting the casuals onside is more important I'd imagine, because it expands the viewer base and it's a far bigger market. Jetpilot, yes of course there are a handful of drivers that would do the job in the right car. I don't personally feel that Kimi is still in that group, even though he's one of my favourites. It really feels like he's in the twilight years of his career (relatively speaking), although I'd love to see him find his feet again and show them who's boss
  8. Hey - leave Kimi out of this. The man's a legend You're trying to apply logic to this (much like you are to politics in the Brexit thread ), whereas really, throwing silly ideas into the mix will make things different, which in turn will stop people who don't really like motorsport getting bored and watching some other dross on a Sunday afternoon. You do realise that Bernie's sole concern is his bank balance, right?
  9. F1 is already a circus, and has been for years. At the end of the day, it's necessary if you want to attract the general public rather than just hardcore motorsport fans.
  10. They look kinda cool as a piece of artwork, but I wouldn't put them on a car in a million years. To each their own though, as many have said already
  11. BobbyZ

    wider rear tyres

    I didn't know Lewis liked understeer (although I only follow F1 extremely casually these days). I believe Alonso prefers a bit of push. Maybe 'reverse drifting' (i.e. chronically understeering everywhere) should become a thing!
  12. Is it really that serious for most people? I can understand that for someone with their own business (such as yourself) there might be implications, but I seriously doubt it will affect the average person. I would imagine that it will cause the markets to slow a bit and some people might lose their jobs etc., but it's not like being in the EU has stopped that before, or would prevent it happening going forward.
  13. Yeah you'll be fine mate - should look great I'm in two minds whether to go 255 / 275 or 265 / 285 next, or keep it same as. I'm tempted to try the 265s on the front, for a bit of extra arch fillage and extra grip at the front (not that I've been short of grip in any way at all).
  14. I have 255/35 on 9.5j et25 19 inch rim at the front, no problems (lowered on Tein S) FYI, I also have a 285/35 at the back on 10.5j, which looks completely square (i.e. the tyre is the same width as the rim), whereas the front does look slightly stretched (MPSS all round BTW).
  15. I've often argued that democracy is flawed, due to the lack of understanding (or downright stupidity) of many of the voters. It's only necessary to avoid the theoretical eventuality of an oppressive dictatorship. The argument that people should always vote because they have the right to is also fairly ridiculous IMO. I wouldn't be surprised if the SNP manage to swing heavier weighting on Scottish votes anyway
  16. I don't really care, because I suspect that in reality it will make bugger all difference to me
  17. It's your zed's way of telling you to drive it more
  18. Sigh... cut a few grooves in a slick and Dan's a fan of budget tyres all of a sudden
  19. They're all WAG's cars really though, except for the one or two which aren't intended primarily for the school run
  20. Stunning pics I keep saying that I'm going to get back out to the Welsh mountains, but haven't in a few years now. Great part of the world
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