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Everything posted by BobbyZ

  1. Aerobic = low intensity (walking, jogging), anaerobic = high intensity (sprinting, weight training). Anything that is sustainable is aerobic.
  2. Mitsubishi shareholders beg to differ, I'm sure
  3. Naughty naughty! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36089558
  4. How odd. What reasons do they give for the DE being better?
  5. Nah, I could go through labour no problem. I'd be begging for more at the end
  6. Yeah the slip road thing winds me up no end. These people obviously haven't got adequate ability to be allowed to drive in any sane society if they can't use a slip road to get up to the speed of the road they're joining.
  7. Yeah I agree on that. I was just pointing out that it would be a step in the wrong direction if a woman did it IMO
  8. A female driver who wasn't up to the task buying her way into a race seat would be an embarrassment, and would do more harm than good to the plight of aspiring female racers. It's bad enough when men do it, but for a female it would just confirm the suspicions and prejudices of those who believe it's not possible. Are there women who could compete at that level? Quite possibly, but it is true that women are, on average, less strong than men. If it is going to happen, please let it only be on merit, otherwise it will be a farce. Bernie was just calling it as he sees it (for once) I reckon, and I don't find his comments particularly offensive (although I don't really get offended to be fair).
  9. Haven't owned one, but the one I test drove was a very different experience to a zed (if we're still talking E92). Pretty similar in terms of outright performance, but much less physical and involving. On the flipside, probably a much better cruiser. Obviously you'll find this out for yourself if you decide to go for one
  10. I was looking for an E92 335i before going for a zed. They all seem to have been ordered with such terrible specs that in the end I gave up looking for one that wasn't specced by a blind person who can't change gear manually and got a zed instead
  11. I go in the left most lane - the one that's separated from the rest by a solid line. For some reason it's always empty!
  12. Hmmm, okay - they're clearly a bit special. Anyway, get it sorted and no harm done
  13. Wouldn't cause any damage. Only dangerous because the handling would be screwed. I would be pretty unimpressed if I'd got all those checks done and no one spotted this! Just wait until Ekona sees this thread
  14. Nice work... The only time my ARK has been that shiny was when it was fitted
  15. The 370z uses the same transmission as the 350z, the 6-speed FS6R31A manual. The 350z quite nicely proved that the syncromesh within that box is made of cheap chocolate and will easily die off if not treated with care. The rev matching is a function added to give the gearbox an easier time by protecting it from poor driving and thus last longer. It's been marketed as a feature even though it is a sticking plaster over a problem. All my own opinion of course but it seems highly likely to be the case. Important part in bold
  16. It actually annoys me a bit that they introduced the throttle blip thing on the 370z. A manual transmission should be exactly that IMO, matching of revs included. Scallywag, get yourself a Nismo 380RS Accelerator Pedal, which will make heel and toe downshifts easier
  17. That looks pretty sweet. I particularly like the colour-shifting front reflector
  18. Seriously nice looking z. I'm usually not so keen on the 70, but you've chosen some great mods to bring out the best in the shape
  19. No different to reusing anything really though Stu- it just needs to be built for it and maintained appropriately.
  20. Pretty cool, but it would've been far more awesome if they landed it on a helipad on the back of a massive luxury yacht
  21. Of course, but that's how politics in general goes.
  22. yeah, the system used in the last few years seems to work quite well. The system before that involved thrashing around for 4 practice sessions, best time in any session counted for your grid place......a bit boring but at least there were very few times when the track was empty. Pete Didn't we go straight from a single, hour-long qualifying session straight to the 3 session knockout style format (the one we're just about to go back to)? I haven't followed F1 much for years now, but I don't remember 4 sessions.
  23. BobbyZ


    Personally I think some music is nice in a video, but a bit less slo-mo and including the recorded sounds like the engine would make it better.
  24. Not sure I could be bothered with that style of rim unless it was a show car (and I'm pretty sure I'd never have a car just to put on a stand). It's hard enough just keeping the car in general looking decent!
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