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Everything posted by BobbyZ

  1. I rate Seb and Lewis very closely in terms of ability. I think it would probably come down to who the car suited better, and luck (same as the current Merc lineup IMO, although I would probably give Lewis the nod for outright pace).
  2. Terrible to see this done to any car, let alone one that the owner takes pride in, not to mention straight after being painted. It's so sad that some people are such arseholes!
  3. Glad this worked out! Get some pics up then
  4. Some kind of matte grey I think would look good with yellow
  5. As I've said previously in this thread, I don't enjoy seeing Kimi being an also ran these days having previously been a big fan, but it is a classic case of 'don't hate the player, hate the game' AKA can't really blame the guy - I very much doubt anyone else would turn the contract down.
  6. BobbyZ

    BMW E89

    I always got the impression that the Z3 was pretty miserable. Wasn't it a rebodied E36 3 series compact?
  7. BobbyZ

    BMW E89

    Yep, the E92 was a great shape
  8. I personally love them. When you sell them someone better get in quick or else I'll snap them up!
  9. Went through the Dartford tunnel for the first time since fitting mine over the weekend. Incredible sound
  10. Yeah a working car is always good surprised you tried with TC on before. I've always found it cuts way too much power at the slightest hint of slip, even just pulling out of a junction quickly.
  11. Out of interest, what technique do you use off the line? And do you just bang gear changes through as fast as you can? I did racing starts in my own car before (Caterham Academy) and it always felt a bit brutal.
  12. Nice looks like you nailed your first shift better, then the extra power of the 70 pulled it back. Good to see that the HR can give it a close run though
  13. Soft front and mid rear is the set up I've seen recomended most as the starting point. It's what I'm running (and the only set up I've tried), and it makes the car fairly neutral. After that, it's probably as much down to driver preference as much as anything.
  14. As others have said, the two tone thing doesn't really work for me, but I guess you wanted something a bit different and you've certainly got that
  15. Not being funny, and I've tried to phrase this in as nice a way as possible, but you do realise just how important this vote is? This isn't just a shake up, this is a once in a lifetime chance to shape the future of the country. Voting for anything just because you fancy a change is possibly the single worst reason to vote I can think of. By all means vote out if you think it will improve the country, but don't do it because you're bored! Not directly related to that, and more a general question to the Brexiters: Are you prepared for the short-term pain that voting out will very likely cause? I mean in terms of the massive costs needed to negotiate the exit itself, in terms of watching the pound plummet and the effect that will have on savings and tax rates needed to sustain the UK, that sort of thing. I can absolutely see taxes needing to rise significantly to pay for the expenditure needed to leave, possibly the standard rate and almost certainly fuel & alcohol duty. 1) Word it however you want - I'm big enough and ugly enough not to get upset by forum opinions. 2) Good work partially quoting my post to make it sound as flippant as possible. 3) Yes I understand how important it is. You might be concerned to learn then, that rather than being given sensible options from campaigns on both sides of the argument, we're actually getting rhetoric and petty squabbling along with a healthy dose of rank speculation, so really no one knows what the best option is. What this means is that while you might find it ridiculous that I would vote out just to see what happens, it's probably as good a reason as anyone else's. I do believe though that we'll be able to negotiate good deals regarding trade with the EU (no reason why we shouldn't be able to), and I also find it very easy to imagine the EU being in a worse state in 10 years' time or so than it is now - QE and bailing out of debt-ridden member states can only get you so far, and I don't think we'll get a chance to change our minds for a very long time if we vote 'in' this time.
  16. I'm pretty sure I'll vote to leave. I think a shake up is a good thing once in a while, and let's be honest, the EU has a lot of countries dragging it down. If it does fall apart then it will cause some short term pain, but I think in the long term it doesn't make sense to keep it on life support. Besides, it's the only way that we'll know whether or not we're better off out of the EU, because the propaganda from both sides is just worthless drivel (par for the course when it comes to politics).
  17. Blanket speed limits, as much as I dislike them, are the most simple way to control traffic. It's far more complicated and 'grey' to determine sloppy driving than it is speeding. Although I'd welcome it there won't be any huge cull either, as it would be disastrous for the economy.
  18. I don't think you guys are helping with his swap thread. But, just out of interest, why do you rate the Zed higher than the M3?
  19. Both hands on the wheel when you're giving it large please
  20. My 306 GTI-6 cost me far too much to maintain for what it was. Good fun to cane though. My first car was the worst, a Corsa Gsi 1.6, although at that age it wasn't bad to start in. My Caterham was a ball ache because you can't lock anything in them, but obviously that's not really the point of them. So to summarise, I don't think I've owned any genuinely crap cars
  21. Yep, no doubt I made some errors of judgement whilst driving when I was younger. I also agree on keeping it away from others - if I do bin it these days, chances are I'd only kill myself, which is fair enough.
  22. That last link in the thing about the M5 is entitled 'Darwin Wins'. I'm afraid it does sound very much like he got what was coming to him.
  23. You're under-egged there mate. I'd want 3 eggs or so, or you end up only eating egg every 4 mouthfuls or so
  24. If you're running flat out then you start to use anaerobic respiration. The gasping for air is because you've maxed your aerobic capacity. Aerobic respiration utilises fat reserves and oxygen and is a more efficient form of respiration, but is limited in terms of power output. High power output is where anaerobic respiration comes in, which burns the (very limited) stores of energy in your muscles. Weight lifting is anaerobic and depletes the glycogen stores in your muscles, hence the emphasis on consuming simple carbs soon after a workout to stop your body eating your muscles instead.
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