Not being funny, and I've tried to phrase this in as nice a way as possible, but you do realise just how important this vote is? This isn't just a shake up, this is a once in a lifetime chance to shape the future of the country. Voting for anything just because you fancy a change is possibly the single worst reason to vote I can think of. By all means vote out if you think it will improve the country, but don't do it because you're bored!
Not directly related to that, and more a general question to the Brexiters: Are you prepared for the short-term pain that voting out will very likely cause? I mean in terms of the massive costs needed to negotiate the exit itself, in terms of watching the pound plummet and the effect that will have on savings and tax rates needed to sustain the UK, that sort of thing. I can absolutely see taxes needing to rise significantly to pay for the expenditure needed to leave, possibly the standard rate and almost certainly fuel & alcohol duty.
1) Word it however you want - I'm big enough and ugly enough not to get upset by forum opinions.
2) Good work partially quoting my post to make it sound as flippant as possible.
3) Yes I understand how important it is. You might be concerned to learn then, that rather than being given sensible options from campaigns on both sides of the argument, we're actually getting rhetoric and petty squabbling along with a healthy dose of rank speculation, so really no one knows what the best option is. What this means is that while you might find it ridiculous that I would vote out just to see what happens, it's probably as good a reason as anyone else's.
I do believe though that we'll be able to negotiate good deals regarding trade with the EU (no reason why we shouldn't be able to), and I also find it very easy to imagine the EU being in a worse state in 10 years' time or so than it is now - QE and bailing out of debt-ridden member states can only get you so far, and I don't think we'll get a chance to change our minds for a very long time if we vote 'in' this time.