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Everything posted by BobbyZ

  1. I haven't driven a Fiesta ST, but hot hatches have certainly come a long way if the chassis and in particular the steering is as enjoyable as an 86. I might have sounded a bit harsh about the zed's chassis before - it has a lot going for it in its own right I think, but the damping doesn't feel anywhere near as polished as an 86. I think the DE would have to be a recognised lemon for a HR to be worth 5K more. Like for like, I just don't see 5K of awesome on a HR. I guess it comes down to the subjective value you put on the better engine. Justifying spending more on a faster car in objective terms will always be shaky, but no doubt the DE does most of what the HR does for a chunk less cash.
  2. There'll always be quicker cars on the road though. If you want big power and great handling, it won't happen at GT86 money
  3. The GT86 does feel cheaper and of course it's slower, but for me the ride and handling felt far more sophisticated, due mostly to the lighter weight I'd imagine. I enjoy my zed hugely but it felt like it had lead boots on when I drove it straight after an '86.
  4. Crikey, I had no idea these were so cheap (for a Porshce), they've probably got a less manly image than the MX5, but I imagine that matters not one jot when you're behind the wheel. Well obviously if you were concerned about lacking a manly image, you'd just get a coupe instead
  5. Fair enough - I don't know the ins and outs of rigging an election. Still though, I'm not sure that's the 'only way', or even the correct way, to prevent vote rigging.
  6. While I belive that corruption happens in every walk of life, I don't believe rigging of elections in countries such as ours happens (although I wouldn't be overly shocked if it turned out to be a fact). However, your statement doesn't seem to be valid in any way- I don't see how a rigged election could be resolved by people voting, because by its nature a rigged vote isn't affected by the votes of the public.
  7. I didn't know him at all, but I think this should be taken as an opportunity to celebrate what was clearly a great guy rather than be sad about the loss. With that in mind, Happy Birthday Martin
  8. I doubt there will be a drastic difference, as remaps don't give you that anyway. It does make sense to remap with all mods done though, otherwise you won't be getting the most out of the money you've spent.
  9. A lot of people say azure is the best colour, but actually black is the best colour Just messing of course. Nice zed and welcome to the forum
  10. BobbyZ

    19" wheels

    Yeah I agree - it makes much more sense to go wider, especially if you don't want to fit spacers. 9.5" / 10.5" F/R is fairly common with around ET20-25 (and what I run).
  11. BobbyZ

    19" wheels

    For that width you're still looking at 10-15mm spacers to get flush with the arch. As far as tyre sizes you really want to match the OEM outside diameter as much as possible, but the ride shouldn't be unnecessarily harsh unless you have very heavy wheels, especially on stock suspension.
  12. Welcome to the forum Regarding being top of the range, I'm actually not sure how many specs were available for the HR... If you've got the factory satnav then I believe that would be GT spec, and the HR got a better interior over the previous models and of course the engine upgrades
  13. Of course big organised events are fine. I mean as a recreational activity. As it happens I used to road race my bike, but I did feel like its days were numbered and it was destined to move to purpose built circuits due to the number of cars encountered during road racing.
  14. Not sure if you're serious, but as a cyclist myself I do kinda feel that there are just too many cars for it to be safe these days. As it sounds like the Golf driver did something pretty special though, I'm not sure that counts as a reason for cyclists to stay off the roads. More like a reason for retarded drivers to stay off the roads. EDIT: or at least cycling on the road is a dying activity.
  15. WTF, why did the Golf swerve? Sorry to hear this anyway.
  16. I thought you binned off the idea of selling? Either way, doesn't exactly look standard now
  17. I'd stick with reputable brands for something as important as brakes
  18. Welcome to the forum Wrong - the first mod is a stubby antenna
  19. You're never going to get 100% positive reactions to extreme kits like those. If you like it then go for it, but be aware of how much they cost to fit, difficulty in selling the car and that some people will think it looks ****
  20. Re the lowering, how much looks good is personal preference. Based on mine (-17mm/-14mm f/r), I'd say I am looking to go about 5-10mm lower eventually, so between 20 and 25mm from stock, which should look nice but not overly 'slammed', and also mean I can still clear speedbumps, which I always take slowly anyway.
  21. I wouldn't say that being that size is a guarantee that you're not camp, but it does mean that if you were then it's unlikely that anyone would tell you I agree that TVRs are generally very acceptable in silly colours (I saw a lovely Cerbera 4.5 at the weekend in seriously retina-burning yellow), but I can't say that shade particularly does it for me.
  22. So do you need an extra 5mm from standard, or from where you're at at the moment? 9.5" ET22 is more than 5mm clearance for suspension from 8.5" ET45. In your first post you said you needed a further 5mm clearance for suspension, which would mean the new kit would need 35mm over stock suspension as you already have 30mm spacers. How bloody fat are these coilovers?!
  23. I think if you go higher it will look like a monster truck, and if you do the arch rolling and camber you'll be getting a call from Stance Nation. Not sure if that's your aim, but I've never had you down as that type
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