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Posts posted by BobbyZ

  1. Hmm all very interesting so as there's only a certain speedd you can really get to on the roads then really a much wider wheel set will be better for me to have fun in the corners. ������


    Depends how you define fun. More rubber on the road will give you more grip.

  2. And that grip will be blunted by the extra weight, so you'll actually be slower.


    so why do time attack cars run stupid wide wheel with like 295 r888 on a 10.5j when a 265 r888 on 9.5j would in your case be faster?


    im guessing its yes it take longer to get a wider wheel/tire up to speed and a maybe more numb feedback but you can carry more speed around a corner with a wide set up than a skinny




    Because stance, bro :p

  3. Besides, if the car slides and you catch it, I'm not sure how that demonstrates driving without due care and attention. You can't catch a slide if you're not paying attention! I gave up on sensible policing of motorists a long time ago though :(

  4. As previously stated most a holes on the road today drive with full beam on permanently...it's an offense but like fog lights it's rarely enforced


    Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk


    You must live in a bad area for it - I would guess 1 in every few hundred cars I drive past have their full beam on.

  5. I think I saw this in the magazine a few months ago.


    Mark I was having this conversation a while back - it seems like there are no regulations at all when it comes to HP gain claims for aftermarket parts.

  6. Odds are that if only one car spun up when going round that roundabout, it ain't going to be a diesel spill ;):lol:


    It's worth bearing in mind though that most people tend to drive at around walking pace round anything even approaching a corner (as do lots of people in here judging by a few of the posts on this thread :lol: )

  7. It's not defeating physics, because there's a bigger contact patch which provides more grip.


    And more resistance (not to mention the additional weight) hence more energy required to obtain the same outcome. Same energy = slower. Physics.


    More weight = slower. Bigger tyres = more grip = faster. I think we agree on this. It would require complex calculations and / or back to back tests of specific set ups in specific conditions to determine whether you'd go faster or not, which was my original point.

  8. Generally speaking, more rubber on the ground will give you more outright grip, but the extra unsprung weight will make the car less responsive and will hurt the ability to control the wheels over bumpy surfaces.

    It's not possible to predict whether it will make you faster or slower without back to back tests of the specific set ups in question around specific cicuits, so I'm not sure why people are trying to do so. It will also depend somewhat on driver preference / driving style.

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