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  1. I have, unfortunately he does not have the part and I'm still not sure what the part number is. The photo posted does not look like the part number, it does not look like the ones I've found for the US market.
  2. Thanks for the responses, who is Alex.
  3. Hey. I am looking for the part number for the driver side door handle (rhd) - one with the with the key hole. All parts I find online are for left hand drive and have no key hole.
  4. Yesterday I was listening to a CD and it was only playing a few seconds to a minute of a song before skipping to the start again. Today I tried listening to the same CD and it was doing the same. I then thought it was the CD so switched source to USB and the same thing was happening. After a while it seems to be happening on bumpy roads. I can't see the screen dim when this happens so can't tell if the unit is loosing power. I have the GT model (sat nav). Oh and my battery seems fine... 13v. Could this be a loose fuse? Or does anyone know what else it could be?
  5. The refills are not expensive for the front. I think I paid £12 for both fronts. I just did not know if there are refills available for the rear as I can't seem to find them. I have found on Ebay the full rear unit for £20 so if there are no refills I'll have to get that
  6. The refills are not expensive for the front. I think I paid £12 for both fronts. I just did not know if there are refills available for the rear as I can't seem to find them. I have found on Ebay the full rear unit for £20 so if there are no refills I'll have to get that
  7. Are there re-fills available for the rear wiper or do I have to buy the whole wiper?
  8. Anyone know any traders with any decent offers on at the moment? Looking at getting the Agency Power exhaust.
  9. I've decided to upgrade too after telling my self stay stock. I have spent ages watching videos etc and still have no idea what to go for. I too have a £1k budget. All I know is I like the style of the Ark where you see both boxes either side of the car. On a noise scale out of 10 I'd look for 8/10. Suggestions?
  10. Thanks for the replys. I am quite new to detailing but I have read up quite a bit and have purchased products based on reviews (other than the polisher itself). Polishing is not something I've done much and have only used the super resin once in the 6 months I have had the car. I'll certingly not use the polisher now. The paint is in great condition with no swirl marks. I do know the difference between polish and wax/sealent. FYI I am using Collinite 456 (every 6 weeks) and Sonax quick detailer for top ups after a wash once a week
  11. I've bought a Silverline orbital polisher and I am now worried after reading that orbital polishers cut more paint than a DA. I only polish every 2 months so don't want to folk out and buy a DA. What can I buy for the Silverline for best/safe results without spending a small fortune. I use Autoglym super resin polish.
  12. Bought a new 13amp plug and wired earlier, thanks for advice
  13. Just checked and its defiantly a 13a fuse inside
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