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Everything posted by Hodaka

  1. Rear Diffuser for Nissan 350z 2003-2009 Current price: £21.00 Bids: 8 # bidders: 3 Reserve: No Delivery charge: £12 Time remaining: 2 days 4 hours Location: Winterbourne, Bristol http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121965655396
  2. Shame, for £70 I most likely would have taken it if I were closer to you.. Would have saved me from trying to fix up mine as I don't have much confidence right now that I can do it up to a satisfactory standard! Good luck with sale anyway
  3. 350z 2003-2005 Mines / Veilside V1 Style FRP LIP Buy it now price: £99.99 Collect in person price: £85 Time remaining: 16 days 1 hour Location: Near Grimsby http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/350z-2003-2005-Mines-Veilside-V1-Style-FRP-LIP-/371598622271 Would have been interested myself, except I got a facelift version that I'm cutting up and *hopefully* making it fit on my pre-facelift
  4. I'm not sure if it's still available as Rory expressed interest, but did you see Easty was selling one? http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/106156-random-stuff-open-to-offers/
  5. I found it difficult to get the black one to look good but here you go
  6. A bit dubious about this one as: Seller's a new user Only has 1 rating (as a buyer) Minimal photos But: 350z Rays x4 Current price: £195.00 Bidders: 1 Reserve: No Time remaining: 1 day 23 hours Location: Southend-on-Sea http://www.ebay.co.u...s-/262395228475
  7. I suck at design, but this sounds fun so might give it a go if I get a spare moment Not sure if I'm being blind here, but is there a deadline? Or will you just wait until you get enough submissions then decide?
  8. And don't forget to go over the seals with silicon or whatever to prevent water ingress! Better safe than sorry
  9. A few months ago I randomly tried holding it in the up position for a few seconds, and it skipped to the next track. I haven't tried since so I don't know if it works every time, but worth trying out. I'll try after work and see if it works for me again and will let you know.
  10. Good ol' Karma! That laugh though :lol:
  11. Just FYI, here's a heads up that cascade88 is selling some for £350 in case you haven't seen - http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/107643-350z-rays-silver-with-tyres-350/
  12. Saw title, clicked dreading I'd been a naughty boy, luckily not me... phew
  13. Good to hear you finally find/bought one Will keep my eye out for you
  14. Just a quick update today. This week I decided that I want a change from fiddling with my headlights. I've been looking at them way too long, and I'm in no rush to fit them as there's so many issues I want to address first. Rather than being sensible and moving onto one of the other things on my to-do list, I thought this would be the "perfect" time to try painting some interior parts. I've never really painted anything before, so I knew the first one would take some time. I decided on the rear strut bar cover as I don't mind not having that for a while. So I took it out yesterday annnnd... I decided that I also want to add some lights to it while it's out. As I say, I'm trying to keep it short today so I'll do a proper write up once it's done, but below is my first version of the strut bar cover lights: Off On A few notes: I'm planning to hook it up to the boot light so that it only turns on when the boots open. Otherwise I think it'll be super distracting driving at night, as it'll be reflecting in the rear view mirror It doesn't look as bad in the pictures, but I want to improve the light distribution You can see some of the light through the plastic, but this is only really noticeable when it's pitch black. I think painting should solve this issue You can't see it in the pic, but this is a demo version so the wiring/soldering is abysmal. Need to address that too Now for bed
  15. Thanks for dropping by to confirm I'm afraid my memory's absolutely poop so I can't remember anything about the ad
  16. No problem at all, happy to help!
  17. Sure thing. Could I ask 2 things though: What are those alloys called so that I can Google to find better angle shots? Do you have a higher resolution image I could work with?
  18. Not perfect, but here you go (I shoved an attribution on there as I found it on Google.) And an animation of the process:
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