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Posts posted by STYLZ

  1. What kind of pants??? Please add more details. 😂😂😂😆😊😀ðŸ˜ðŸ˜„😄ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘😨😨😨😨😨😨. Skid free is almost a good enough sales pitch!!

  2. I don't see it. 😂😂


    P.s. I'm still waiting on approval from the higher ups on the group buy. Worst case if not approved for any reason i shall pay the traders fee and sell them individually myself. But will have to warn everyone they will be dearer that way, as im currently not in the position to pay for 12 sets myself to get the discount.


    Any questions please feel free to send me a PM.

    • Like 2
  3. LRF4N - Sounds great.


    Perhaps a list of those who would like to meet up with us en route, so I can make contact later would be good.


    So a list of these plus your location please.




    I will let you start LRF4N !!! :lol:


    Hi Wendy, maybe i should be in this list rather than the main list. And unfortunately i haven't met anyone on the list yet but hope to do so on this trip.



  4. Ok thanks for that. I tried posting a group buy for some led rear bumper lights which are being discounted by the company producing them for myself and other members here and have no idea if its been approved or not? Would you be able to give me an update on the posts status at all mate.

  5. Did you read your own message before i sent you that one?


    This is probably gonna go back and forth he said she said. At the end of the day im looking to buy 2x brackets for either side of the bumper just so i can get my bumper sitting perfect. I'm not trying to sound like a d*ck mate. I'm just looking for someone to tell me they have 2 in they're hand that can be sent out as soon as ive sent payment that's all.


    I understand you've moved and things are everywhere which is why i went on the open market, but when you say 'i kinda forgot' obviously i'm gonna ask other members as im looking to get these ASAP and i dont know how long it will take for you to find parts.


    Again not trying to sound like a d*ck, i just want a pair of these stupid brackets and I'm not caring where they come from as long as im not paying an arm and a leg for them.

  6. Mate I've been waiting for you to dig out the right hand side bracket which you told me on 2 occasions you haven't been able to find yet as you've just moved. I never went quiet;, i was actually waiting for your reply which didn't come.


    And its 2 i need for either side not just one as i also mentioned Alex.

  7. I can't believe the bad luck im having with these brackets. Honestly. It's now the third time someone's said yeah they've got them then all of a sudden they don't.


    Come on folks.


    There must be someone who can help me. I want to take off the rope thats holding the bumper.


    Show me your brackets.

  8. Oh :bang: .... I just realised that its you doing the core strut braces


    Do you do finance ? :teeth:


    If you ever offer finance il order one of everything probably. Seems like every penny that comes into my pocket goes back out on the car now. Y can't i just win a small fortune on the lotto. 😡😡

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