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About mattbrettell

  • Birthday 13/01/1993


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  1. I no longer need my tickets as I have just bought a house so unfortunately the zed has to go! I purchased two tickets and a vehicle pass so hopefully I can move the tickets on. Just looking for what I paid for them.
  2. 1. Andy James x2 Club entry ticket, x1 vehicle pass, track time 10.40,13.40 PAID 2. 14N x1 Club Entry Ticket, Stand Pass and another free t-shirt PAID 3. Panman 4. buster 5. Valy 6. simonb_350z 7. KPowell 8. Mr P, x2 Club entry tickets, x1 Vehicle pass, track time 11:40, 15:20 PAID 9. Twinturboz 10.Justthejedi 11. Shire 12. Ollydykins 13. Tomb 14. Jay84 2x club entry, 1x vehicle pass. Paid. 15. Modo Paid club pass +2 16. ElliotBZ33 count me in 17. Zebedy 18. LewisH x2 Club entry ticket, x1 vehicle pass. PAID 19. chippychip123 20. Humpy - 1 x club entry ticket, 1 vehicle pass - PAID 21. Shezza 22. Karl92 23. mattbrettell- 2 x club entry ticket, x1 vehicle pass- PAID
  3. Don't know if this is the right place for this but... I've had the standard CD player problem witht the Bose, it's been jammed and making a horrific noise for months. Eventually I decided to take it out and repair it. I managed to get everything out properly as per a guide on here, opened up the CD changer and found the problem. After fixing it and putting everything back in the same way it came out, I started the car and DOH! No power whatsoever to the entire unit. What could be the cause of this? Thanks
  4. I went last year when it was 'Japfest 2' at the same venue and I was pretty disappointed. Not many cars and need a telescope to see track action. That being said, I will probably attend this year because I'm a sap!
  5. I was pulling onto the main road as you came by
  6. Bought my Zed just over a year ago, the cd changer was jammed up with all the previous owners cd's. About 3 months ago I randomly turned it on after never trying and they all played, then ejected absolutely fine. I put a couple of my old cds in after that and they were a bit jumpy, but played. Bought a brand new CD from the shop today (a 3 disc jobby) and they played fine on the way home (a bit jumpy, which annnoyed me for new cd's, obviously the player) Anyway, got back in the car a couple of hours later for a different journey and it's all jammed again!! CD goes to play, doesn't, then just tells me to 'push' 'eject' 'push' 'eject'. I should point out that pushing eject does nothing, as does pushing any button on the bloody player! Any help here would be much appreciated. Matt
  7. How the looks make the middle aged women at work think it's a £50k+ car! Do I correct them? Hmm.
  8. Got these on my gunmetal, love them! GLWTS
  9. Orange roadster on Radford Road at about 11pm Gunmetal parked in the leisure centre carpark all day Black pulling off Radford Road near Gala bingo Don't get any zeds where I live so to see 3 in one outing is exciting!
  10. 1. 370Ad - Stand Pass + Track Time - PAID 2. MrsNiki - Stand Pass only - PAID 3. Rickdon - Stand Pass - PAID 4. Stuggerz - Stand Pass only PAID 5. Valy - Stand Pass - PAID 6. glrnet -Stand Pass - PAID 7. Ogman - Stand Pass + Track Time (as it's my birthday) 8. Chippychip123- Stand Pass PAID 9. Ozzy225 - Stand Pass + Track time - PAID 10. Shezza - Stand Pass - PAID 11. Roobies8 - Stand Pass only PAID 12. AdamTSmith350 - Stand Pass only 13. Garygranite - Stand Pass 14. Chizzz - Stand Pass - PAID 15. Tea and Wax - Stand pass 16. SherlockH -Stand Pass & Track Time 17. Paul K - Stand Pass - PAID 18. Dean_m Stand Pass only 19. SYY - stand pass and track time PAID 20. Wendy - Stand Pass 21. WINKJ - Stand Pass 22. Lloydshaw - Stand Pass PAID 23. Condor109 - Stand Pass 24. harryjackson - Stand Pass & (maybe) Track Time - PAID 25. Beagle - Stand Pass & (maybe) track time 26. Has - Stand Pass 27. crute/higgins350z - stand - PAID 28. GreenLandy - stand + track - PAID 29. choptop - Stand Pass 30. Rich260- stand pass - PAID 31. Shire350z - stand pass 32. Justthejedi - stand pass 33. AmyZed - stand pass 34. Kraziekatz1 - stand pass & Track (whaa hoo.....get ready everyone ) 35. Jakeswheelbarrow - stand pass PAID 36. Flex - Stand (Maybe) 37. Bobby D - stand pass - PAID 38. ZeppoJeff - Stand Pass (work depending) 39. zzzeady -stand pass 40. davey83 - Stand Pass & Track Time PAID 41. Mikey Thompson - Stand Pass (maybe) 42. Aaronc350z - Stand Pass 43. Durk - Stand Pass PAID 44. jhobbs90- Stand Pass PAID 45. mattbrettell- Stand Pass PAID
  11. Put it in the bank, wait until you've accumulated the interest.... (About 40 years should do it) Supercharger. Just puttin' it out there... In all seriousness, a nice sounding exhaust system makes all the difference!
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