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Everything posted by SUPRAWOOKIE

  1. More and more people seem to know about the 350z & 370z MK stadium meets now and even had a few people drive past by coincidence and stick their head in and say hello. They are midweek meets on varying days and here's a few photos to see what you've missed out on so far... Next meet will be Wednesday 11th October from 7pm onwards 1) SUPRAWOOKIE 2) 3) Car park by the MK Dons stadium. Unit A8 MK1 Shopping Park Stadium Way, Milton Keynes, MK1 1ST
  2. Hi All Just had an update from SantaPod, the cars need to be in place on our stand by 10am and not move until 15:00pm. Cheers, Mark. MK:Z CEO
  3. Hi All I have PM'd everyone who needs contact details, if you haven't been messaged it's because you are either in the convoy from Wellingborough Tesco at 13:00 Saturday or I've given you your ticket already. If I have missed anyone please give me a shout. Although SantaPod don't seem to have specified it, I think they'll want our cars on the club stand around 8am Sunday. Cheers, Mark MK:Z CEO
  4. 1) SUPRAWOOIE - Camping - PAID - CONVOY 2) Andy_Muxlow - Camping - PAID - CONVOY 3) Apoc124 - Camping - PAID - CONVOY 4) joshallen1993 - Camping - PAID - CONVOY 5) OliverB - Camping - PAID - CONVOY 6) retro_al - Camping - PAID 7) Twinturboz- Camping-PAID 8) Lemans Phil - Camping - PAID - CONVOY 9) Matt89 - Not Camping - PAID 10) Battlezed - Not Camping - PAID 11) MarkSt - Not Camping - PAID 12) Kbad - Not Camping - PAID 13) MattRwebB - Not Camping - PAID 14) Shaun350z - Not Camping - PAID 15) AbiiPow - Not Camping -PAID 16) rlakey1 - Not Camping - PAID 17) Bam350z - Not Camping - PAID
  5. Hi All There will be a convoy on Saturday from Wellingborough Tesco to SantaPod meeting at Tesco for a 13:00 departure. Could you please let me know if you will be joining the convoy as I will give you your car pass then. I'm trying to reduce the amount that get posted as I don't want them getting lost. For anyone who is camping i'll give you your pass on the Saturday as you won't need it to get in. Please update the below list; 1) SUPRAWOOIE - Camping - PAID - CONVOY 2) Andy_Muxlow - Camping - PAID 3) Apoc124 - Camping - PAID 4) joshallen1993 - Camping - PAID 5) OliverB - Camping - PAID 6) retro_al - Camping - PAID 7) Twinturboz- Camping-PAID 8) Lemans Phil - Camping - PAID 9) Matt89 - Not Camping - PAID 10) Battlezed - Not Camping - PAID 11) MarkSt - Not Camping - PAID 12) Kbad - Not Camping - PAID 13) MattRwebB - Not Camping - PAID 14) Shaun350z - Not Camping - PAID 15) AbiiPow - Not Camping -PAID 16) rlakey1 - Not Camping - PAID 17) Bam350z - Not Camping - PAID
  6. 1) SUPRAWOOIE - Camping - PAID 2) Andy_Muxlow - Camping - PAID 3) Apoc124 - Camping - PAID 4) joshallen1993 - Camping - PAID 5) OliverB - Camping - PAID 6) MattRwebB - Not Camping - PAID 7) Matt89 - Not Camping - PAID 8) Shaun350z - Not Camping - PAID 9) Lemans Phil - Camping - PAID 10) Battlezed - Not Camping - PAID 11) MarkSt - Not Camping - PAID 12) Kbad - Not Camping - PAID 13) Twinturboz- Camping-PAID 14) AbiiPow - Not Camping -PAID 15) Shire - Not Camping 16) rlakey1 - Not Camping - PAID 17) Bam350z - Not Camping PAID 18) Rich260- Camping 19) Zed348 - Camping 20) retro_al - Camping - PAID
  7. 1) SUPRAWOOIE - Camping - PAID 2) Andy_Muxlow - Camping - PAID 3) Apoc124 - Camping - PAID 4) joshallen1993 - Camping - PAID 5) OliverB - Camping - PAID 6) MattRwebB - Not Camping - PAID 7) Matt89 - Not Camping - PAID 8) Shaun350z - Not Camping - PAID 9) Lemans Phil - Camping - PAID 10) Battlezed - Not Camping - PAID 11) MarkSt - Not Camping - PAID 12) Kbad - Not Camping - PAID 13) Twinturboz- Camping 14) Secretstar07979 - Not Camping 15) Shire - Not Camping 16) rlakey1 - Not Camping - PAID 17) Bam350z - Not Camping PAID 18) Rich260- Camping 19) Zed348 - Camping 20) retro_al - Camping - PAID
  8. Someone cannot make it now so you're on the list buddy. Please update when you have purchased your ticket.
  9. 1) SUPRAWOOIE - Camping - PAID 2) Andy_Muxlow - Camping - PAID 3) Apoc124 - Camping - PAID 4) joshallen1993 - Camping - PAID 5) OliverB - Camping - PAID 6) MattRwebB - Not Camping - PAID 7) Matt89 - Not Camping - PAID 8) Shaun350z - Not Camping - PAID 9) Lemans Phil - Camping - PAID 10) Battlezed - Not Camping - PAID 11) MarkSt - Not Camping - PAID 12) Kbad - Not Camping 13) Twinturboz- Camping 14) Secretstar07979 - Not Camping 15) Shire - Not Camping 16) rlakey1 - Not Camping 17) Bam350z - Not Camping 18) Rich260- Camping 19) Zed348 - Camping 20) retro_al - Camping
  10. Not at the moment buddy but I can put you on the reserve list if anyone drops out?
  11. 1) SUPRAWOOKIE - Camping - PAID 2) Andy_Muxlow - Camping - PAID 3) Apoc124 - Camping - PAID 4) joshallen1993 - Camping - PAID 5) OliverB - Camping - PAID 6) MattRwebB - Not Camping - PAID 7) Matt89 - Not Camping - PAID 8) Shaun350z - Not Camping - PAID 9) Lemans Phil - Camping - PAID 10) Battlezed - Not Camping 11) Dicaprio - Not Camping 12) Kbad - Not Camping 13) Twinturboz- Camping 14) Secretstar07979 - Not Camping 15) Shire - Not Camping 16) rlakey1 - Not Camping 17) Bam350z - Not Camping 18) Rich260- Camping 19) Zed348 - Camping 20) MarkSt - Not Camping
  12. Hi All Can you all pm me the name and address, along with your registration number that you would like the car pass sent to.
  13. Yeah that's pretty much it buddy, i'll be PM'ing people next week to get things sorted. Still got a few people that haven't paid, it's getting close now guys.
  14. Black 350z modified, pulled into the carpark, took some pictures next to my black 350z then left. Looked clean, had Nismo logo down the side and a duckbill spoiler.
  15. 1) SUPRAWOOKIE - Camping - PAID 2) Andy_Muxlow - Camping - PAID 3) Apoc124 - Camping - PAID 4) Twinturboz- Camping 5) Rich260- Camping 6) joshallen1993 - Camping - PAID 7) OliverB - Camping - PAID 8) Dicaprio - Not Camping 9) MattRwebB - Not camping 10) MarkSt - Not Camping 11) Matt89 - Not camping - PAID 12) Battlezed - Not Camping 13) Secretstar07979 - Not Camping 14) Kbad - Not camping 15) Shire - Not camping 16) rlakey1 - Not camping 17) Bam350z - Not camping 18) Shaun350z - Not camping -PAID 19) 20)
  16. Big thanks to Chris for answering the endless questions and getting the new wheels sorted and shipped. Super happy with them
  17. Tickets are per person (you can get camping or just for the show day I think) The club passes are per car but anyone in the car needs a vaild ticket. From memory you can camp all over the place, pitch size isn't something that's done at SantaPod. Currently 2 spaces availble.
  18. The stand passes arrived yesterday, I'll update this thread tomorrow with what happen's next etc.
  19. May aswell pop down, what time are people aiming to get there? Were meeting at the Esso garage between 06:00 and 06:30, postcode is NN3 5LU
  20. Good meet guys, nice to see some new poeple attending too! Who's coming to the Earls Barton meet tonight? Details are here: http://www.classiccarmeet.co.uk/
  21. Not that I know of buddy. I've found the best place to buy new parts from is Tarmac Sportz.
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