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Everything posted by SUPRAWOOKIE

  1. Hey All Do any of you know of any Dyno places in / around MK? needs to support 2 and 4 wheel drive.
  2. Hey buddy I'll take the stereo, PM on its way!
  3. 1) Amyzed 2) Amyzed plus 1 3) kite 350 4) kbad 5) SUPRAWOOKIE
  4. Anyone up for this; http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/108357-350z-uk-meguiars-seminar-day-sat-2nd-july/ Got to be quick if you want to go
  5. If it's any help I recently had the same issue, after going to my local dealership I got a replacement key for £19 by 9am the next day, however; 1. I was told that keys are getting harder to source 2. It could take up to 2 weeks to get Be warned, I was told a new set of nuts with a key would be £26, which sounded good. I then found out they wanted to charge me an additional £60 to remove my old ones and fit the new ones!
  6. Will do, still not 100% sure if I'm going. Good luck with the Audi!
  7. Where did you get the carbon slam panel from? Was the fitment good?
  8. It's a Japspeed K4 true dual system with Berk test pipes, makes it hard to sneak up on people!
  9. Your car looks awesome buddy, has it been lowered? You should come to our MK meets, follow the below thread to get the alerts; http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/105419-milton-keynes-surrounding-areas/page__st__100
  10. Looked awesome, nice wheels. I was in the black 350z behind you
  11. Anyone seen one of these yet? seen a few about but always in different colours!
  12. Hey Guys (and girl) anyone up for this? http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/107617-japshow-10th-july/
  13. Can't remember who wanted Meister coilovers but here's the link to the clubs 10% discount code; http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/67477-10-off-free-shipping-for-meisterr-coilovers-code-350zuk/page__st__40
  14. Looks like it has black Rota's on and comes from somewhere in Woburn Road Industrial estate, I keep seeing you around 13:00 - 13:30 every day but i'm never in my car when I do!
  15. Good to see you all again, hope you made it home ok. I had to sit next to the cops at some lights and pretend the noise wasn't coming from me, don't think they fell for it!
  16. No problem buddy, glad you got it sorted!
  17. Hey Buddy Not sure if this is any help; http://www.notre350z.com/forum/files/uploads/Zaza%20Z/1198356492_350Z-G35_ECU_Removal.pdf or http://shop.amrperformance.com/350Z-370Z-ECU-REMOVAL-GUIDE_c_2301.html
  18. Do we have a backup location if the weather sucks? I remember there being mention of an underground car park for a previous meet
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