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  1. Cimanu


    Now sold - please lock
  2. Near side front was changed mate and only as the ABS ring fell to bits, wheel bearing was fine but it's all one unit, pics should be on whatsapp still
  3. Was done in the last year I owned it mate, print out should be in the history to give you an idea of where it is/was Think that was £80 off the top of my head on a laser rig
  4. https://www.jassperformance.com/shop/Gear_Knob_Sports_Style Was out of a friends MX5 cup car
  5. If you can, hold it until April time.. the market for cars like this plummets this time of year.. A night blue HR on this mileage with full history should be closer to £9k If I were you, I'd pull the windscreen sticker/sunstrip off, put the standard plate back on and if you have them put the standard Rays on (or snag a set to sell it on). The car is worth exactly the same with the Rays or those Rotas. If anything the Rotas probably limit your audience a little. You may as well sell those separately and make a bit more cash!
  6. The rear dish on them is great, they are wiiide though. 275 rears? Will look nice and aggressive.
  7. Time to hit the photos/build thread! Nice, Nice wheels, Nice, like the colour, Nice I sold mine elsewhere in the end though..
  8. I bought the ART pipes first and then was looking for either a Cobra non-res or Buddyclub as I was after impact I ran a non-res with stock cats on my DE before my HR so went with that again in the end. With the non-res my setup was a little raspy between 2-3 but that's what kept it drone free in that zone, the resonated mid pipe probably would have improved the sound but it would have lost some volume which I was keen to keep, above 3 it opened up nicely and howled at the top, the idle was exactly like valy says, deep and aggressive. My HR would completely drown out my friends R34 yet his droned like crazy inside.. as I said before I could not have been happier with it. Nice and loud but silent inside when needed - oh and as with normal decats full gunshots when on the pop/bang map. Compared to how normal decats sound on a non-res cobra (horrific rasp-fest) compared to how mine sounded, that probably shows best how much ARTs do to help. I'm sure on a usually deep tone exhaust like the buddyclub it would sound unreal! Reminder though - These ones are for an HR & 370s, will not fit DE
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