Very nice! I always wanted the ZXR750R. The nearest ive got is my ZXR750L2. It does have the alloy exhaust mounting hanger from an R on it though! Unfortunately its been off the road since about 1999 after the engine cooked itself, and so its sitting in the corner of my garage awaiting the day I find time to get her going again..
New project for you, put a zx9r B model engine in, easy swap
The 750r is a mega bit of old kit, the sound from it with 39mm flatslide carbs is intoxicating
Yeah I did consider fitting the old zx9r engine in back "in the day". I seem to recall you had to chop a small bit out of the frame for the rocker cover to clear (or something like that). A bloke local to me fitted one to his at one point. Another local chap fitted a zx6r engine in his but that required a lot more work. They are old bikes now, but ive never had as much confidence around the bends on any of my bikes as i did on my ZXR. I remember grinding the side off the exhaust on roundabouts I could lean it over so far.
I have a B3 900 in my L1 simply as the 750 went skyward last year. Boooooooom
To fit the new lump, just had to shave a bit of the front mounts and elongate the front mounts (to fit the 10mm taller block) and plug in the 900 CDI. I run 750 carbs, jetted with a full system on my old trackbike, runs spot on even with me on it!
Complete swap out in the same day, real easy....