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  1. This is what i bought for my head unit upgrade, steering controls still work and all speakers work also. Before buying a lead though have you taken the head unit out and seen what the previous owner has done? May just be a faulty connection or damaged cable somewhere Ebay Number - 360710119615 eBay item number:
  2. Double din fascia adapter i bought fits my kenwood head unit perfectly. Does your head unit have a fascia fitted already that needs to be removed?
  3. I know it's not a phone but i made this mount for my android tablet... Also if you're thinking of having a semi permanent phone mount you could run a nice long charger cable behind the dash to keep it a bit more discreet
  4. Me and my buddy will both be driving up to this one, travelling up from West Wales if anybody wants to join in on the way. We'll be at the meeting point for 8 From 300zx.co.uk; 1.Stephen/Z32bolt 2.TheRealNips 3.Ben M 4.AndrewG 5.(adl)Phoenix 6.bigh 7.raph1982 8.sdriver73 From 350uk; 1. Bodyboarder81 2. Buster 3. firemansim 4. Justthejedi 5. RafsZed 6. Hiumpy? 7. bababongles 8.Andy James 9. Andyhut 10. Jimboy2 10. Jimboy2 11. Terry06 12. Harryjax. 13. 350ZRDev 14. Chris Wiltshire 15. Shenley 16. Z370Z 17. GT4 140/176 18. Mikeyazure. 19. Migwel 20. Zkeletor 21. Jackybear 22. Jackybear From Zclub; 1.Huw 2.fairlineguy 3.farmer42 4.ben240z(potentially)
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